
How do you know when it's time to move out?

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okay, so this is similar to my question before about attending college after high school. How do people know when it's time to leave their nest? Even as a transfer student about to leave do you feel prepared to leave? There's a lot of things to think about financially and who/what you're gonna live with???

it's scary to think about, but then again, we all have to leave sometime, right?




  1. dude, at 17 i graduated high school, moved out, and went to college, its only a big deal if you make it one. just make smart choices, and congrats on becoming an adult. btw, i am now 23 and getting my masters :)

  2. Hi Bria,

       It can be scary, but I'm hoping you have a "security blanket" of sorts in the form of parents or relatives who will be there for you if you need help. Usually moving out is a transitional thing; I mean you're usually not totally on your own right away. As for who to live with, that can be both exciting as well as scary. Always interview your potential roomates and set " rules" at the very start. Also, be ready to be flexible in addition to being your own person. Living with another person is an acquired skill sometimes bordering on an art!  As for finances, make sure you and your parents are clear on who's going to be responsible for what. Think of moving out as a "first step" towards independence. You might fall a few times, but eventually you'll learn to fly! :)  

  3. i moved out when i was 19 and moved in with my boyfriend that I had been with for a year. it felt totally natural for me. we split the rent and the bills, which was only a few hundred a month each (I worked as a cashier) and we both went to junior college together. I think if oyu are a little scared to move out, that's natural, and oyu just have to do it. I think it's time ot move out between the ages of 18 and 22, no older than that.  

  4. Well when your financially set i suppose. My cousin is 28 years old and she just got out of law school but she still lives with her parents because she doesn't have enough money to support herself yet. so i say, when you have enough money and you feel you don't need to relie on your parents anymore.

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