
How do you know when p**n becomes an addiction?

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If someone has never, not once in their life, "gone solo" without p**n, is that normal?

If someone is intimate with their partner every day but still watches p**n several times a day, is that an addiction?




  1. When you cant perform sexually with a partner.  When all you do is look at p**n be it magazines, internet, videos.  When you have to see more and more bizarre sexual things to get turned on.  

  2. when your watching it constantly  

  3. p**n is not an addiction like cigarettes, alcohol and other drugs.

  4. I think if the person:

    --starts doing p**n-like things in reality, such as finishing on the face

    --can't get as turned on by "normal" s*x

    --watches p**n at inopportune times, such as at work

    --starts needing stronger and more vile p**n to get turned on

    I really think a person shouldn't watch p**n more than once a week (at most) to avoid the above.

  5. when the p**n takes control of your life. when you have no other interests, when all you do with your time is spend it with p**n. an addiction is when something takes control of you, and you loose interest in everything else. so, is the person engaging in this constantly, at the risk of loosing family, job, etc. then its an addiction.

  6. Amber h, p**n addiction can be extremely serious. Many everyday people have lost jobs, homes, and loved ones simply because they could not beat thier p**n habit. I suggest you seek some help. Here is a site that has addiction information and a directory of addiction treatment centers so you can help.

    Live strong

  7. If you NEED IT, to get turned on. Otherwise, its just a habit: the acid test is to stop for a day or 2: see what happens!

  8. p**n is not an addiction, you can never watch too much.


  9. If you push things out of your life and replace them with p**n.

    (Example: A friend asks you to come over to hang out, but you refuse to watch p**n all night)

  10. It stops being a harmless hobby and becomes classified as an "addiction" when it starts to interfere with his life and change it in negative ways.  

    For example, if sexual arousal is not possible without p**n, if p**n is chosen over other activities that once held interest but no longer do, if p**n interferes with household or family responsibilities, if the viewer is staying up at all hours of the night watching it, if the viewer feels they have to hide what they are doing, if money that should be set aside for life necessities is being spent on p**n instead, if the person shows "withdrawal symptoms" (shakiness, etc.) unless they get their "fix", or if it starts to blur into the viewer's reality like expecting a partner to do things that are "normal" in p**n films.

    In other words, pretty much the same cues as any other kind of addiction, be it alcohol, gambling, or drugs.

    If a person is intimate with their partner every day but still watches p**n several times a day, I wouldn't necessarily call it an addiction, as long as it is "true" intimacy and not just another means for the potential addict to get off, and that the partner doesn't have any of the other symptoms I mentioned above.  Then watching p**n once in a while is fine.

  11. it will always become an addiction eventually.

    drop it and get help if you need, but it will lead to trouble.


  12. I'm afraid that may be the case.  That person may be a s*x addict, but p**n addiction is part of it.  A seriously p**n addicted person will not even care or desire to have real s*x.

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