
How do you know when someone is Prejudice?

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How do you know when someone is Prejudice?




  1. You look and see if they're with someone named Pride. If they are, then they must be Prejudice.


  2. When they're right.  And they're not willing to admit when they're wrong.

  3. I think,if they are wrong in some thing,they won't accept it az wrong.They believe or they pretend they are always right.

  4. They show it in their eyes when they ask and answer a question.

  5. that's a really general question, i guess when they judge people a lot before they even know the person, based on ignorant knowledge.  

  6. there is a huge prejudice sign on their forehead but you can only see it if your not a prejudice person

  7. Unless someone comes right out and verbalizes how they feel, you can't assume they are prejudice.  There are other reasons besides prejudice that can make a person treat another negatively, i.e., odor, obnoxiousness, shyness, germaphobia, attraction, etc.

    The prejudice people I've encountered aren't shy about letting others know how they feel.

  8. When they have a preconceived notion about someone based on a stereotype. For example, if you tell that person that your new neighbors are black, someone who's openly prejudiced (and racist) might go, "Oh God, you better hide the fried chicken and kool-aid, and get a better alarm system!" That's a preconceived notion about the new neighbors solely based on their skin. Of course, that's an extreme example.

    One thing to note is that everyone has their prejudices. Prejudice does not always apply to race, it applies to any judgment you make about someone before you know who they are and what's going on with them. People prejudge each other on a daily basis, making assumptions about others based on their appearance and such. For example, if you see someone in a nice suit with an expensive cellphone, you're going to think he's a business man. If you see someone dressed like a homeless man, you're going to think he's homeless.

    So, prejudice doesn't only apply to racism, though it certainly can be applied.  

  9. When they practice unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, esp. of a hostile nature, regarding a racial, religious, or national group

  10. when they describe a stereotype against you

  11. When they treat you badly without any reason.

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