
How do you know when to pick potatoes, mine seem to have grown forever flowered and as green as green?

by Guest64967  |  earlier

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The problem is they have all grown from potatoe peelings will there be any potatoes. Gues what one of my potatoe plant has got all these gree apple/tomato fruit growing well above the grownd on the stalk, all seeds. I didnt know this happened any idea's any one.




  1. It's normal for a potato plant to have little "apple/tomato" seeds at the crown of the plant.  I have grown potatoes from peelings, but the plants are not as vigorous as those that have a larger seed body to start.  All you need is the "eye" for a sprout.  You did good.  

    Did your plants have deep, loose soil?  A potato tuber will turn green if exposed to sunlight, and the skin is bitter (contains glycoalkaloids) and could cause digestive problems if eaten; rarely "poisonous").  You can dig the tubers and eat them anytime, but they will keep growing until late in the growing season, but there's nothing better than fresh peas and new potatoes in cream gravy early in the summer.  Mmmm.

  2. You will be unlikely to be able to grow viable potatoes from peelings. You need seed potatoes, keep a few potatoes in a dark place until they start to sprout, rub off all but 2 or 3 shoots and plant 6 inches deep. As leaves begin to appear earth them up (bury the leaves) in time they will flower, when the flower dies off leave them alone until the hallums (stalks) also die off they should then be ready to harvest. Green potatoes means that the light has got in to them. Beware as green spuds can be poison and should not be eaten.

  3. you will certainly get a crop of potatoes from peelings.the seed pods and any flowers can be removed.I never let my potatoes flower as this keeps the  plants growing as long as possible to get the best crop possible.The seed pods are poisonous so destroy them. Just let the plants grow until the stems start to die back.As for lifting you can start lifting any time just to see how the potatoes are growing but the longer they are left the more crop you will get.

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