
How do you know when too old is too old?

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If I am 15,is 5 years older than me too old to date?

Is 2 years?

What is a good age. I don't like boys the same age as me.




  1. nopes... 20 is allright.. just don't have s*x with him..he could goto jail

  2. gosh, i feel the same exact way. five years older, however, is WAY too old. you'll be graduating high school and he'll be looking for children. age, to a certain extent, is just a number. see how compatible you are with someone two years older than you, thats what i would go with. no more than two years though, becaue conflicts of age may come about and in actuality ruin your relationship. good luck !  

  3. 2 years isnt no, your better waitin til your older anyways!

  4. Take the older person's age, divide it by two, and add seven.

    In this case, the oldest person you should date is 16.  16/2 = 8, +7 = 15

    This rule is just meant to keep younger people dating in age group, but there are always exceptions to any rule.

  5. Well, theres nothing wrong to date a older person, you just can't date a 20 year old, but you can date a 17 year old.  

  6. Go by what you feel.  Age doesn't have anything to do with it.  Your attracted to a certain kind of person, and in your experience the people you find like that are older.  Age is a number.  Forget it, and look at personalities.

  7. Dang he's 20??? Too old. Maybe if you were like 18 and he's 23 that would be good. At least be out of high school.

    Right now date people at age 16 and 17 maybe 14

  8. Age appropriate dating questions. You should date people in and around your age range because you have more in common. As you get older you can expand that age range. A fifteen year old girl dating a guy five years older is just asking for trouble. He has more experience and should be dating women closer to his age and not girls. A woman who is twenty and dating someone five years older is more experienced and can handle a more experience man. Don't rush life you only have one, date some nice guys and gain some knowledge. I would say two years age difference is enough at fifteen. Good Luck.

  9. Hmmm......that is a complicated situation.  If you are 15 and he is 20, I don't think that is a good idea.  But if you are 18 and he is 23, you are both adults and that would be fine.  As long as you are a minor, I would not try to date adults.  There are so many reasons why but moslty because you might regret it later and they could get in a lot of trouble.  But once you are an adult, I don't see age as an issue anymore.  Me and my love are 15 years apart in age and happier than we have ever been in a relationship but, we are both adults.

  10. I'm a father of a daughter.  I would look with great suspicion and disfavour on a twenty-year-old man who was interested in a fifteen-year-old.  I would think that he is interested in s*x with a vulnerable and impressionable young girl, or that he is just a loser who cannot get a girlfriend his own age.

    Bad news, either way.

    The same is true, to a lesser extent, of a seventeen-year-old boy.  

    It's been a long time since I was fifteen, but I remember the sad fact that girls matured faster than we did.  We made silly suggestive remarks to show how mature we were, we snapped girls' bra straps, and then we wondered why they thought we were immature and went for older boys.

    Modern society forces children to grow into teens too soon, and for teens to have access to adult stuff too soon.

    Find a mature kid your own age, or maybe a year older.  15-17 is a much bigger spread that 19-21.

  11. I personally think that 5 years is a little too old. My limit is 3 years. But just be careful with older guys they dont munipulate you. (it happened 2 me and Im still trying to recover) I hope I helped and everything works out =)

  12. I think a good way of judging this is by whether you share interests and attitudes. For instance, if he likes to go to operas and black tie work dinners, and reads the Wall Street Journal, and you would rather be skateboarding down the park and reading teeny magazines about Hannah Montana or whatever she's called, then you haven't got a hope as a couple.

    Same goes for your relative abilities to hold adult conversations - are you able to hold your own in adult company, or would you be bored and he embarrassed if you had to spend an evening at a dinner party talking politics with his friends?

    Of course, it can work the other way round - boys do mature later so it might be him who's the one who has to be left at home if there's any kind of grown-up activity or event to attend! The question is, do you both fit well into each other's lifestyles?  

  13. Yea that is creepy and illegal. Date is of couse code word for s*x. Now to be fair some guy who is 20 may be emotionally very immature and you may be mature, but 15 is TOO young to date anyone. However 17 years old makes more sense. Basically date boys you age or one grade above.

    When you are 30 and the guy is 35 or even 40 that is not a big deal. However the situation you talk of is illegal and tells me a 20 year old man who wants to DATE a 15 year old has a little issue. It is not like you live in a remote village and you are the only girl (sorry no offense). I am sure there are 19, 20 and 21 year old ladies this dude could date. Now as an older guy I love talking to teens, girls and boys, but more as a father or adult. I have no intention of dating them.

    I did date a lady who was 23 when I was 36. It was OK but a little too much age difference for a long term relation.

    I think a good range age difference is about 5 years to 10 years with the guy being older. Of course I assume that you are at least 20 or older. When you are a teen you should date other teens.

    Right now you are not quite a woman even though you can get pregnant. BTW don't get pregnant out of marriage and don't get married till you are about 25.

    I don't have to tell you, guys want s*x. You may like them and they may pretend to like you. May be they do like you, but they want s*x. When you break up and you most likely will, you will be devastated. It will be 100 times worse if you gave them you body. Girls get very depressed after having s*x at a young age. If the guy will not hang out, get a pizza or a movie with you, with out s*x, GET RID OF THEM. Don't be used. Have some pride in your self.

    Try to take you time and wait as long as possible to date. I would say next year when you are 16 and with a school mate of the same age.

    If you can't find boys you like your age WAIT! That is good advice.

  14. IF you were 16 then it wouldnt look so bad as now...

    m m m m m 3 4 years is OK!

  15. ya older guys are great but if your 15 five years is to much sweetheart. well since your 15, 3 years are about your limit because other wise your gonna get him arrested

  16. Well, at 15 it's not that you are immature, but guys 5 years older than you are a lot more mature than you. (I hope they are! LOL) I don't know if you've had s*x, but a 20 year old guy is probably going to want to have s*x. Although a 16 year old guy will probably want to have s*x too...Anyway, I think 18 should be your limit or even 17. I just seems funny that when your 15 a 20 year old sounds too old, but when you're 18 a 23 year doesn't.  

  17. theres no good age,it depends on the maturity.

  18. A person 5 years older has 33 percent more life experience.  He has graduated from high school and probably been out in the real world some.  Be sure he respects you.

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