
How do you know when u have Hair Loss??

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Okay i'm a 15 year old boy and i've noticed recently that my hair seems kind of thinner than usual. I have around 6 in. long hair and m********e at least once a day. Is this excessive? How often is a healthy amount? Mostly i do it twice: once in the shower and once before bed. Is that excessive and could that be causing some hair loss??

I could just be paranoid. i get paranoid about a lot of things.

How do i know for sure that i'm experiencing hair loss?

I havn't actually seen hair falling from my head, it just seems thinner than i remember it...

Please answer all of my questions in your answers. thanks!




  1. Ive heard that excessive masturbation can increase hair loss, simply because it increases your testostorne levels, and high levels can do that, but Im not sure how accurate that study is.

    I have the same problem as you do, I am constantly checking to see if im loosing hair, especially after washing it, to see if any has fallen out.

    I think the truth is, the only real factor for hair loss is genetics which we have no control over.

  2. "excessive" masturbation or s*x do not increase hair loss it's a long standing mith, but completely false. MBP is in fact related to a by product of testosterone: DHT, but masturbation or s*x do not increase the amount of testosterone and DHT is sufficient levels to case hair loss.

  3. Hi

    The amount of times you are masturbating is fine, it isn't excessive at all.

    It does not cause you to lose your hair.

    Your hair is longish, are you combing it back at all which could be pulling some hair out at the roots.

    I have seen guys who had long hair and pulled it back and they have lost a lot of hair since.

    Try not to pull it all back but let it stay in its natural place.

    It is unlikely you are losing your hair this early in life, but it is possible. Have any of your family lost some of their hair early?



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