
How do you know when you're full?

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You know, you’re sitting at a restaurant, and you're starving, so you eat more then you should. But how do you know when you're truly full? People often say stop 10-20 minutes before you are, but how do you know when that is?




  1. You are full when you lean forward and some food spills out your mouth.

  2. I can tell when I'm full when I feel full. If you can't tell when you feel full, then something is wrong.

  3. In between every plate of food stop fo like 5 min and see if you feel full cuz if you keep eating you stomach is not concentrating on the food already in your stomach but the food that is going in you stomach!

  4. when you think you can't even lift your hand. you just wanna get out of that restaurant and go to sleep. You feel very lazy

  5. stop eating after you kill 2 plates of food.(usually works 4 me)

  6. I dont think you  should go by how you feel. Limit your portions to what your body needs, then eat all that's on your plate.

  7. i usually stop when my plate is done but if you feel like woozy or u fell really heavy all of a sudden stop because that can lead to a panic attack   (iv'e had them for about 1 year now and its know fun!!)

  8. If your content with what you've consumed, you dont want anything else...

    answer mine?;...

  9. you start to feel your stomach hurt and then you stop!!!!!!

  10. whenever you feel like gagging

  11. I agree with the first three.

  12. Why don't you ask Tinkerbell?   (The chicky who threw up on her boyfriend's brother.)

  13. The best way to do it is to slow your food slowly and thoroughly. Eat slow and drink half as much water as the amount of food your eating.

    If you eat slowly enough, it will give your stomach a better chance to tell your brain where it's at on getting full.

  14. If you observe you body well you will know. There will be a tight, slightly painful feeling around your waist. That's when you are full.

  15. well: it is very simple to Be Approperate and Know about

    Table Etiquette as proper manners just  take it easy and

    please! be polite with Answers Society &Culture

  16. probably when you're stomach blows up like a balloon. like theres a difference between being hungry & between something sounding good. think about it, i eat a poptart in the morning & i'm honestly not hungry till like 5, its just if your not completely full but your not hungry either, you'll take anything thats offered to you. i guess your full when you look at something & know you can't finish it. its all about portions i guess, everyones different.

  17. you're full when your stomach is bursting and you feel that another bite will make you throw up

  18. take time between courses  and that way you'll know .........and then you could just have a coffee to end  and a liquer if you wished

  19. Try eating til you find yourself giving a big sigh, then stop. That's usually a good indicator.

  20. you should chew slowly.  that alone will often prevent overeating.

    savor the textures, flavors and visual appearance of your food.  Try to single out each ingredient as you chew your food.

    never starve yourself.  that will make your next meal a disaster, since you will order more food than you need.

    and lastly, do as the french do. Don't eat to get full, but eat till you're no longer hungry.

  21. I'd suggest eating more slowly. When I'm at home and I finish a plate of food, and I think I want a second, I wait 5-10 minutes. A lot of the time I realize that I'm not even hungry anymore. It's a good way to stop yourself from overeating.

    Also, drink lots of fluids. As silly as it sounds sometimes people mistake thirst for hunger. When I want a snack I drink a glass of water first, wait a few minutes, and see if I'm still hungry.

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