
How do you know when you're growing as a person?

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When you go through hard times (such as losing friends/growing apart, getting diagnosed with an illness, questioning life, wondering who you are as a person, etc...) Does that mean you're growing as a person? I heard before that when things get tough, it means that something great is in store for you/your destiny is right around the corner. Do you think that's true? If you do or say something wrong and you realize it, it effects you more for some reason. Like you feel bad and you wanna be a better person, like it's one of your goals. Do you think you're growing? If you feel you are changing as a person, or you don't feel the same that you always have, are you usually right?

Thanks for any help =)




  1. I think that most people have their share of hard times in one form or another and most of them (myself included) get discouraged and experience feelings and questions similar to yours once in a while. It helps me during those times to think about how many people out there that have it so much worse than I do. And not just homeless people etc. that I hear about but people I actually know personally. I bet you could name a couple of people you know that have problems you wouldn't trade yours for in a million years. As far as that destiny around the corner business, I'm not necessarily so sure about that. I do believe everything happens for a reason and you just need to have faith in that. Even if the reason is not revealed to you at the time (if ever) The fact that you're seeking personal growth shows maturity but don't over-analyze everything. Sometimes things just are as they are because they are.

  2. You grow as a person when you start making better decisions that effect your life and others in a positive way. You sacrifice what you want for what you know is needed. Loosing friends, family and loved ones never becomes easy. I don't know if it makes you stronger, but you accept that life has to go on without them.

    What you say and do can and does effect people in ways that you will never know. A wrong word, a stare, or even ignoring someone may set them off, cause them to give up or even commit suicide.  

  3. Only the truth remains. The rest deserves to be the way what they should be in your world.

    What do you got? ALIVE.

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