
How do you know when you are sick enough to stay at home from work?

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How do you know when you are sick enough to stay at home from work?




  1. Depends on the job type.  If you are in the food and service industry, you should stay home if you have obvious signs of illness.  If you don't interact with the public as much you can be much sicker before you stay home.  The rule is call out if you can't perform your job or if you run a serious risk of spreading it to coworkers.

  2. When you can no longer function well enough to play solitaire or minesweeper at work, then it's time to go home...

  3. when you don't need the job.

  4. If you are running a fever, you are an automatic infectious case and should stay home.

    Same goes for anything communicable such as conjunctivitis, strep, etc.

    If you're vomiting because you drank too much the night before or you're detox'ing from dope, I have no sympathy because you're probably one of the people I work with that calls in while the rest of us truly sick individuals have to work. Oh, and you aren't truly sick so suck it up and clock in.

    Hope that helps!

  5. Simple - When you can contaminate innocent fellow workers.

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