
How do you know when you were ready...?

by Guest62866  |  earlier

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how do you know when you were ready to have s*x?

and don't say wait until marriage, I don't think I will get married. BTW I am a female!




  1. As long as you don't settle for just any guy.  For a lot of people, their first time is disappointing, so make him wait until you know you're ready.

  2. I think when you fall in real love...not just having hot pants..making love is so utterly amazing and far far better than just having s*x.  It is fulfilling and joyous.  Being in love with the person who takes your virginity is a far different experience than physical lust.  So many people, boys too, cheat themselves by jumping into s*x far too soon. It loses value.  I have read that here over and over again.  When s*x is just another after school activity how can it be good?  

    So fall in love, real love.. and find out what all the shouting is about.

    And use good birthcontrol.  remember there is no sure way of preventing pregnancy except abstinence.  Even married people do that on occasion.

  3. It just happens; I dont think anyone can just be ready, make sure you use condoms.

  4. When you know the person is the one..If you love that person and know you will be able to handle the consequences that comes with s*x. If you cannot make a simple appointment at the health department/clinic to get on FREE birth control then you do not need to be having s*x. If your boyfriend cannot afford a condom then he is not and you are not ready for s*x.

    I am not going to put someone down for having s*x while they are a teenager because i done the same when i was 16 but i am still with the guy i lost my virginity too. We are married, have been together for 13 years and have one child who is almost 7 which he was a planned baby...I got on birth control on my own when i was 16.

  5. why would you say you don't think you'll get married? only you will know when you are ready, DO NOT let anyone talk you into anything. you decide, but you should wait along time and date many before you do.

  6. when you know your not making a mistake.  

  7. Trust me. You will change your mind about wanting to get married. So, considering I am a christian and you did tell us not to say marriage, I'm saying it anyway. Marriage.  

  8. I'd say when you make enough money and you are mature enough to raise a baby and handle all the consequences.

    I'd say 17 or 18.

    Although it IS way better waiting until you're married...

  9. uh and how old ru 12? why ru asking us?

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