
How do you know when your account has been suspended?

by  |  earlier

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Does Y! send you an e-mail or are you just no longer able to anser questions?




  1. idk

  2.    I think they send you a internet virus along with a letter bomb via snail mail.

  3. You get this when you try and log into your account!;_ylt...

    BTW-- ^^^ Thats the link to the old Joe B (YO) account ... LOL

  4. They send you an email saying "Your acct has been suspended" and when you look at your profile it says its been suspended..If someone else looks at it it says "Oops" and some YA lingo.

  5. I got a nasty-gram about an answer I sent in the food/drink section telling me my answer was removed (all because someone asked about what to eat at Olive Garden, and my suggestion was to avoid the place and go to a real Italian restaurant); guess I pissed off the Olive Garden folks.

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