
How do you know when your boyfriend wants s*x?

by  |  earlier

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What sort of things does he say or do? thanks






  2. When things go from hugging and kissing innocently, to a more passionate side, when he touches and holds you closer. When the kisses last longer, and when he pays even more attention to you than normal. When he starts saying things about your body or telling you he wants to kiss you places. When he invites you round and wants to lie with you on his bed Things like this means he's ready to move your relationship forward and experience different things with you.

    Speak to him about it, its different for most boys, some are shy where as some are more confident. If he really likes you, he'll want it.

    Just talk to him :)


  3. You can never quite tell with guys. However he is male, so probably does want s*x lol.

    If you feel he might want s*x then ask him, but don't let him push you into doing anything you don't want to!  

  4. he takes u upstairs  

  5. Everytime he breaths !

    Every moment he's alive he only wants s*x !

    Men are born for s*x !

    There is no time !

    Everytime, s*x s*x s*x !

  6. believe me, i am no expert

    but maybe kissing gets a little more serious, sometimes put hand on your stomach whilst kissing. Sometimes they'll just come right and and say it. depends on how shy/confident they are

  7. lol...guys are horny just about 24/7

    like people above have said, either they will say it or surprise them and they'll be very happy lol

  8. Boyfriends always want s*x.

    He doesn't need to say or do anything.  Just surprise him and you will see the smile on his face!

  9. Boyfriends always want s*x, they just wait for u to make the move and there ya go.

    usually in bed at night

  10. When he`s not asleep .

  11. there will be a y at the end of the day  

  12. When he's breathing.

  13. Don't worry something will come up then talk about children.

  14. s*x is a topic that should be discuss about when you are in a relationship. A good relationship is based on good communication between partners, apart from love, trust and etc.

  15. when he start smiling and being so kind to u, kissing u and touching u... theres alot of signs that u can get from ur bf attitude... trust me, u'll know when he want to hav s*x. gd luck:)

  16. You don't need to look for signs.   He wants s*x even when he is not with you.

  17. He gropes.  If he's male, believe me he does want s*x.

  18. If he's breathing.

    But seriously, if you show him a little affection and he doesn't try to keep it going, then he doesn't; if he wants s*x, he should have no problem reacting to your affection and moving things forward from there.

  19. simple he will try to be nice to you try to be more physical try to touch you all around...try to make you feel his breath on your neck..things lilke that...these are just hints

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