
How do you know when your in love?

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You see, me and my best friend Sam, she's a girl (samantha), and I have dated once before, but broke up because she moved away, but she called me two months ago and told me she was moving back, and we have been hanging out, and we might even move in together. I think i'm in love with her, but she says she's not sure if she wants to start dating again because while we were, she said she didn't feel like it was a serious relationship. I can't stop thinking about her, and when I do see her, I don't want her to leave. Please help me!




  1. I knew i was in love straight away the first time i kissed him i had butterflies never had that before. But as life goes he didnt fell the same not straight away anyway he does now it can take some poelpe longer. realy long if they've been hurt before. just remember thogh there comes a time when you have to ask youy self whats love got to do with it dont waste your love on someone who will never give it back

  2. I was in the same exact situation.  I was in love with my best friend and he wasn't sure.  What ended up happening was I threw myself at him and we slept together for months and months until he found someone else that he "loved"  and moved on

    I was crushed.  My advise, leave her alone if down the road she wants to be with you in that way she'll know.  You deserve to be with someone who knows that you are the one.

  3. Love, isn't a feeling its something so much worthout words to describe it. It brings up so many emotions and feelings,

    connections, memories, lessons, morals and values, a future/ a past, it is so beyond us that we can barely put it into a

    scramble of words or categories. But when your in love, you are in love! You know it, there are no doubts it consumes

    your mind an overpowers your body. you can see it and touche it, feel it, want it. Its something that makes you feel light

    when you see that one person it makes your eyes twinkle when you think of them, it makes you smile everytime you say or

    hear their name, it gives you butterflies everytime you touch, it tricks and tests you, its confusing and complex yet so simple

    and understanding, it is soemthing that waits and waits until you find it, sometimes it take longer to find it, to feel it because of

    fear or other interruptions, sometimes we just analyze too much or assume that one feeling is love or make us believe love is

    looks and feels this way... you could love her or it could be a strong attraction to the connection either way don't let go of it

    and just let fate guide you.  

  4. "I can't stop thinking about her, and when I do see her, I don't want her to leave."  That can mean that you're hooked on her.  It's an addiction, really--people can become addicted to people.  Maybe you're lonely.

    You described her as your "best friend".  That's a bit of a giveaway.  I think you either have a romantic relationship with someone (or want to, anyway) or you have a friendship.  You can't have it both ways.  You're hanging out and you might move in together?  The way you describe this, it's very ambiguous as to whether you are doing this as friends or as lovers.  And that does not bode well for a romantic relationship, and I think that's why she feels it's not a serious relationship.

    Another thing is that if you hang out with women as friends too much, and not enough with men, you lose your polarity--in other words, it will tend to feminize your masculinity.  I'm not saying men and women can't be friends, but men hone their masculinity, and women their femininity, by hanging out with friends of the same s*x.  If a man hangs out with women too much and not enough with men, he loses his ability to be effective in a romantic relationship with women.  Then you get situations like the one you're in appears to me to be--a lot of confusion about whether you've got a friendship or a love relationship.

  5. When someone else's happiness, no matter where that might take them,  means more to you than yours, that is love

  6. True love is selfless, it is not hard to know what is selfless. If you were fortunate enough to have loving Parents you know selfless love, for it asks only for love in return.

    By the way you can experience love but you cannot create it. We are  not able to create only manipulate (use) what already is.


    If you have a spell check it would help to understand your messages better if you would use it.

  7. do you have a long pinky nail?

  8. It may seem too simple to say this, but all I can say is when you are in love, you KNOW that you are in love and you do not question it. So if you "think" you are in love with her, then you probably are not.

    Start off slow if you two are just getting close again, let things happen naturally. Good luck To You

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