
How do you know when your koi are breeding?

by Guest63712  |  earlier

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what do they do?what months(i live in southern va)




  1. Technically there is no breeding season for koi.  When the female comes into eggs, they will breed.  Most however prefer early spring or late fall when the water is cooler.  However a young female can come into eggs in the middle of summer.  (Males are always ready)

    Males will BUMP or push the female along the bottom or along side rocks or sides of a tank or pond to entice her to drop her eggs.  The male will then cover the eggs.  SOmetimes especially when there are more males than females this process could get violent with all the males ganging up on the female.

  2. the female koi to become bloated when they're carrying eggs. the male kois will chase the female

    the spawning event is quite stressful for koi. Unlike at all other times, koi are not graceful or reserved in their spawning behaviour. If males significantly outnumber ripe females then females in particular can become quite exhausted and physically damaged as the males drive and bash at the swollen females in their attempts to expel their eggs.

    This can lead to loss of scales and permanent scar

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper

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