
How do you know when your milk is letting down?

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How do you know when your milk is letting down?




  1. My daughter still nurses every 2 hours and I'm not sure what the let down feels like exactly but my b*****s get much softer and relaxed feeling and her sucking gets deeper and slower like she's really getting all that she needs instead of hungrly sucking quickly.  It's nice.

  2. you can def. tell! i was always afraid i wouldnt be able to tell! its a pins and needles thing and its weird at first. but soon you will know without even thinking about it that your milk is letting down

  3. I usually  feel a tingly feeling around my nipples

  4. You should feel a 'tingling' sensation in both b*****s, if you have just started breastfeeding then the opposite breast from the one the baby is feeding from tends to leak too.

    Uterine cramping is common too in the first few days of breastfeeding, this is your uterus shrinking back to pre-pregnancy size, the hormones released by breastfeeding help to shrink it faster.

    Hope this helps!

  5. My b***s felt like they were cramping.  It wasn't a nice feeling... kind of painful actually.

  6. Mine feels like a sorta pins and needles feeling or pressure...and my baby starts to suck really fast....

  7. I usually feel a tingle sensation in my b*****s. When my baby was very young it would happen even when I wasn't with my son, if I thought about him at all, I let down. Now that he's 6 months, it only happens when I'm feeding him.

  8. When the baby starts to feed it will go for like a minute then you will feel like a gush or tingling sensation coming from the outer top portion of your breast down to the nipple. Sometimes it would even feel like it was coming from my underarm area. Then you will notice your baby taking slower deeper gulps.  

  9. You will feel a rush in your b*****s, it will feel like they are filling up. It is a little uncomfortable. You may start leaking a little.

  10. I get this pins and needles type feeling in my nipples. Also, my daughter switched to long, slower sucks...

  11. your breast get this "feeling" kinda tingly and a bit sore, then you know..taking a hot shower will leak immediately

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