
How do you know when your spouse is lying to you?

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How do you know when they are being honest?




  1. Body language.

    Plus - when all his lies play catch up to him and just don't add up - he's lying some more.  

    So honestly - couldn't tell you when he's telling me the truth or when he's lying - it's all a big game of heads/tails.

  2. Actions and words will match up.  I often think that we "feel" it when they lie to us.

  3. Lies have a way of catching up with a person.  You can usually tell by the way they act, maybe won't look you in the eye, get angry and defensive when you confront them (usually a dead giveaway) or avoid the subject. You can usually pick up any subtle changes in a person's behavior.

  4. I know when my husband does not lie about anything big, but if you think your husband is lying to you, you need to turn to investigator, some times woman can feel it.  

  5. When his mouth is moving.

    Oh honey that dress makes you look skinny

    No way of course I still like our Se* life, its been 20 years

    Oh yea, that flap is hot

    Sure your meatloaf is good, mmmmmmm

  6. When your spouse is telling you something that just isn't fitting together right, your mind, and body give you clues and cause you to sense a problem.  Your eyes see body language, and gestures and subtle eye movements which register in your unconscious mind and though you can't put your finger on it right away, you're being told that something isn't in order.  Trust your own senses.  

  7. I am lying when my lips are moving, I am honest during cotial bliss, few men can lie to a woman they are in cotial bliss.

  8. When he lies he has a lying face.  It's great because all of the kids have it too.  It's so easy to figure it out and they can't control it!!

  9. I think if you know the person well enough should be able to pick up changes in the way they answer the question

  10. It really depends on the person. I can always tell when my brother is lying - ever since he was a kid, he can't kep back this sly little grin that tugs at the corners of his mouth when he lies - even as an adult. But my husband... now that's another story. HE was very wild as a kid, lied to his folks, got into lots of mischief, so they sent him away to a fancy prep school - where he mastered the art of lying & continued his wild ways. I've never been able to catch him in a lie without an outside source to give me a hint.  

  11. I have been with him a while I should know when he is lying.  

  12. When she's not doing the things she does when she's lying, I know she's being honest.

  13. when my hubby is about to tell a lie he will start getting defensive at first . second he wont stop walking while he is talking , he will be walking back and forth cause he can't make eye contact . they start blinking like a turning signal .  

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