
How do you know when your transmission slips?

by Guest32032  |  earlier

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I have a 1995 Mitsubishi Galant ES and I have previously put a used, but new transmission in my car and I was just wondering how would I know if it slips?




  1. The car usually tends to experience a jerking motion when it changes gears.  

  2. when your engine revs up and you dont go anyplace, then it,s slipping.

  3. the engine rpm,s will rev up higher but the car wont move as fast as it should,and it may jerk a little when it does finally catch,you,ll know it,the car wont move for the amount of gas that your giving it,good luck.

  4. you will know when your transmission slips when you go to gas your car and it wont go into gear and it will hesitate a bit, and before you know it and you do not get that problem fixed it will soon get worse and worse until your car is undriveable.  

  5. While you are taking off and it is changing gears you will feel it slip.In other words you will feel a hestition in between the gear change.

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