
How do you know when your truly living?

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i dream about a whole bunch of things but never plan or get around to doing them,i dont feel like im living my life to the fullest right now..what can i do to change this, i just want to feel alive!! like i have purpose and meaning, i want to find happyness




  1. To live in happiness is to be fully in the moment.  If you are spending time dreaming about the future or the past then some or all of your brain and awareness is either in the past or the future.  Meanwhile in the present you are not truly living there fully because parts of you are not there.  To be totally aware of the beauty around and inside of you takes great energy and awareness and then you become so vibrant and sensitive to the wonders around you that you suddenly become aware that all silly thoughts have ceased and you feel totally alive in the present.  At that point NO thoughts about the present or past exists.  And if you can do that for a minute, you can do it for two, three and so on.   The past is dead the future imaginary, reality truth love are all in the glorious present.

  2. The opposite of above

    Life is what happens to you while your busy making other plans!

    Life is a journey not a destination.

    Enjoy today, you'll be old before you blink, don't put off "living life to the fullest"

  3. when you can feel pain

  4. Work, dream, plan, and stick to your goals. Once you succeed, you can be happy with all your accomplishments. Find time to do what you want to do and enjoy life. Be happy.

  5. In my view, happiness isn't something one can find but rather a state of mind one experiences in any given moment.  It has been said, I think by the great Lao Tzu that, "there is no way to happiness, happiness IS the way."

  6. Well u got some philosophical answers...good ones too.

    Lets see about some practical ones...

    These things u dream about doin for example.  Are they legit.  I mean are they goals u have the means to reach?  If u can say yes for any of the dreams, then u need to get off your bum and start workin on it.  Don't be lazy or procrastinate.

    Now if these dreams u don't have the means to reach right now, u may need to see if there ain't a step in between which could get u closer to having to means to accomplish them.

    Like u ain't gonna be a good hockey player even if u got the best slapshot in the universe if u can't do no skatin.


    How often does our own fate or that of others bewilder and puzzle us! How many a man, whom we know to be bent only upon doing good, is heavily oppressed with cares and troubles. How many a child comes to earth with a physical infirmity, a congenital disease, or with deficiencies of character, and thus is burdened with a fate which it has certainly not yet caused in this earth-life. There are many such instances, where people have to endure the lot of finding more bitter fruits than sweet ones falling from the tree of fate upon their life's path, and this despite their best volition, the sincerity of their aspirations, and the integrity of their conduct.

    Here the question confronts us: What can be the cause of this, if there is said to be only one life on earth? In very few of these cases can cause, reaction and recognition of this reaction be pressed together in one earth-life. For where is the man who attracts to himself an evil fate or karma by trespassing against the Laws of Creation, and who is able completely to redeem his offences in the same earth-life? This would of course first require a thorough inner change in a man, which in the present long-standing spiritual indolence is extremely rare.

    On the other hand, how differently is the question resolved when we know that through the great Grace of the Creator a human soul is permitted to return, and so in a further earthlife to receive the opportunity of expiating its guilt. Otherwise it would have to suffer continuously from its unredeemed fate, and at last perish from it spiritually if it would have no opportunity of redeeming this fate at the place where the soul has brought it into the world, namely on earth. According to the Law of Revolution, the cycle of an event mint close at the point where it has been begun. Thus a visible evil deed

    on earth must also be expiated here, to which end the human soul must in most cases be born again on earth.

    Yet the redemption of past failures is not the sole and primary purpose of rebirth. Rather it is for the spirit-germ of man, which is at first unconscious, to learn through experiencing in its repeated lives on earth those lessons which it needs for its development and maturity, until as a spirit conscious of itself it can ascend to its spiritual home, to Paradise.

    Man, however, has disregarded the development provided for him through the Law of Creation, by arbitrarily setting out on wrong paths. So it comes about that today almost everyone has to deal only with his evil fate.

    Fate is subject to the Law of Reciprocal Effect or Reaction, which is expressed so simply and appropriately in the words of the Bible: "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Galatians 6, 7). He will even reap it many times more! This holds good not only in Nature, but equally for the thoughts and deeds of man; for as a creature he is no exception to it.

    Viewed spiritually, he is a sower scattering his fateful seed. Under the working of the incorruptible Laws of Creation it ripens into fruit which exactly correspond to what he has willed, and of which he alone must partake. Only he can take upon himself the sin he committed, and only he can atone for it; no one else can do this for him. Not even Jesus, the Son of God. Not for nothing is it said: "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" - he, the man himself!

    Let us just consider in the light of the lawfulness of sowing and reaping, of effect and reciprocal effect, the stigmata generally known today. Naturally only genuine stigmata (woundmarks) which appear spontaneously are meant, not those caused through religious ecstasy and fanaticism as the result of selfsuggestion.

    What has been sown by those persons on whom the stigmata appear more or less strongly? Since they have to suffer painfully from them, both physically and psychically, the cause cannot have been a good one. To reap suffering will never be the result of good seed, any more than thistles, for instance, would grow from grains of wheat. Moreover this would be an injustice, which according to the incorruptible Laws of Creation is impossible.

    It is striking that the wound-marks of the stigmatized are exactly like those that were painfully inflicted on Jesus, the Son of God, when He was crucified. From this fact a personal connection can be inferred: Between Jesus and these persons something incisive must have taken place, which has given rise to such a fate. Therefore we are perhaps not far wrong in seeking the cause in the enmity shown toward the Son of God by human souls on earth at that time, who of their own free will mocked or even reviled Him as He suffered and diedd on the cross.

    Thus the stigmata can be explained as the result of a personal offence against Jesus, which finds visible expression in this way during the particular incarnations of these human souls! Moreover such souls are not then distinguished or "blessed" by their wound-marks, but on the contrary they must be regarded as branded by their self-incurred fate. Only recognition of their guilt and prayer for forgiveness could release them from it; then the stigmata would also cease to appear.

    By thus applying the lawfulness of seed and harvest to the course of human life we arrive at quite different conclusions, which surely correspond far more nearly to reality and truth than do the generally prevailing and propagated human opinions. We are thus able to recognise that man is in no wise subject to an arbitrarily predestined fate, nor does he stand powerless before a predestined fate, as the fatalists contend.

    Firstly, "predestination" lies always in his own hands; secondly, he is not powerless as regards his fate. I}dr just as he can exercise his free will to do evil, so is it also possible for him at any moment, of his own accord, to bring an end to his

    wrong tendencies by simply and seriously striving to think and do only good. In this way he is able to diminish the reaction of dark threads of fate, which must have its effect upon him at *me place and at some time. Through a persistent good volition he may even annul the reaction, which is equivalent to a symbolic redemption. On the other hand, it is impossible to mitigate or obviate the reaction of an existing guilt by imposing some form of penitence!

    Accordingly, fate means the good and the evil that man voluntarily allows to arise in his soul, and which he then "sends" forth into the world. What he has sent out will inevitably come back to him one day, and then in the reciprocal action he will be afflicted by fate, will suffer heavy blows of fate, or else he will experience the smiles of fate as the harvest of good.

    The origin of fate lies always in man himself and never elsewhere - as Schiller makes the Maid of Orleans say: "In thine own bosom lies thy destiny!" He who realises this will first look within himself for the cause of all the misfortune and distress that befall him, and thereby open for himself the way to humble recognition of his guilt. Without this he cannot receive the Grace of God resting in the Laws of Creation, which alone can grant release from sin and therewith for


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