
How do you know when your water broke? and HOW do you push?

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how do people know the difference between peeing and water breaking? and how am i suppose to push ? i have baby due in dec.




  1. When you water breaks it feels like you are peeing your pants and cannot stop, sometimes it's just a trickle, other times it's a gush.  You'll know - trust me.

    Pushing - you push with your stomach focusing your attention on pushing down with your stomach.  You really need to take childbirthing classes to prepare - they will teach you all of this.  Plus when you're in labor and pushing - you will get the hang of it b/c the nurses will show you how and if you're doing it wrong, they will correct you.

  2. sometimes it can be hard to tell your water broke.  When mine first broke I thought I peed myself cause it was just a trickle.  So I went and cleaned up, and it happened again, I was so embarassed.  Then about 5 min later the baby must have rolled, and it was like someone poured a jug of warm water down my pants.  A big gush.

    And when its time to push you will know how.  I had the "urge" so bad that I coudlnt speak.  You pretty much push like you're having a poo.  I'm not gonna lie, you could "let a bit go" but Drs and nurses are so used to it they just clean it up as if it never happened.

    I'm due in dec as welll, with # 2. I've been through it once, but I have a whole pile of new questions!  There were so many things I had no clue about the first time around, I wanna make sure it doesnt happen again!

  3. Well, you will def know when it happens....and push like you are pooping... but I would take a lamaze class if I were you

  4. my water didn't break it was a little leak on my pants so i went in and they broke it all the way...i didn't know if it was pee or water all i know is that i was a week overdue and enough was enough..if i wasn't in labor i would beg to be induced...turns out it was my water.

    #1. if ur water breaks...its like a GUSH of a lot...there will be a puddle of the floor

    #2  When bushing u have to bear down and push like u are passing a bowel movement.

    Good luck...

  5. I just delivered 3 weeks ago so it's still fresh in my memory lol!

    when my water broke it was when I was using the toilet (sorry id tmi) and you will be able to tell the difference it's uncontrollable leaking and it's clear. also after that happened I had my bloody show and I thought something was wrong because at first it was just red blood.

    pushing was easy for me because again tmi constipation helps prep you omg! lol you push almost exactly like your pooping but youll feel it it front more so then your body will direct it's attention to your v****a and you;ll push more of course have to be ready to push like the baby needs to be down so you'll feel it coming down and out.

    I hope this was a good enough answer I hated getting the generic vague answers it's annoying haha

  6. Your water will probably not break until you are in labor, when either the doctor will break it, or it will break on its own as you approach the time to push.  

    If it does break first, it will usually be a big gush of water -- can't mistake it for anything else.  Occassionally it will just be a trickle -- if in doubt, call your doctor.  They can test the fluid and determine what it is.  

    As for how to push -- take a child birth class. They will go over this.  And when you ARE pushing, the nurses/midwife/doctor will coach you on the most effective way of pushing. (And yes, it is rather like having a bowel movement.)

  7. when you pee it doesn't keep just coming out!

    when youuure ready to push it is such a huge urge and need you will know how. the nurses help you also, they tell you what to do and what will work best for you. i was in the normal position. husband holding legs back, chin to chest deep breath in and push for a 10 count during a contraction. everyone always said pushing was like being constipated, but it was a different push than that for me! not even in the same spot!

    it isn't too hard to figure out where and how to push because you feel it so strongly!

    i took a birthing class and it was helpful with that sort of stuff.

    you willbe just fine!

  8. 1. you will know

    2. like you are taking a huge c**p.

  9. 1. Do you often urinate all over yourself? If the answer is no, then obviously you should be able to figure that one out. Also, you don't pee out of your v****a. You pee out of your urinary tract. There are two holes down there, take a look sometime.

    2. Your body will tell you when to push. Don't worry. : )

  10. Best thing I ever read:  When you are pushing to give birth a lot of people push with their neck and face.... You NEED to push like you are trying to p**p.  No lie!!!  

    I pushed my first son out - 6 minutes!!!  They said I was an excellent pusher... my second son - c-section.. Go figure!

  11. When your water breaks, you will feel like you peed yourself.

    When you have to push, you will feel like you have to poopy. My assumption from that is because the baby is pushing down on your lower half and you just feel like you have to p**p.

    You will naturally know how to push when the time comes.

  12. It feels like you have to pee....and all the sudden .....The water works are on and then the pain it worse.....

  13. You should definitely take a childbirth class, like Lamaze, before December. And get a book or two.

  14. You know when you pee. This is water that you feel leaking from you. Trust me there is a difference..  Pushing you will feel the need to push, Just tell your doctor when you feel that urge., they normally want to make sure everything is okay before you push.

  15. 1) you will know it   2) try to push all ur strength in with very pain

  16. ok i was always wondering the same intell it happened to me, my water broke and it really didn't faze me at all its clear like water so that meaning your water broke and you cant help it it come out without your knowledge and if it does it for a long time then id go to the hospital and the pushing part i was always wondering how id do that to but you just know, when it happened you just to it.......

  17. You will definitely know the difference between peeing and your water breaking.  First of all when your water breaks it happens with no notice.  How often do you pee your pants because you had no notice?  Second of all usually when your water breaks there is a lot of fluid so you will know the difference.

    I felt the same way when I was pregnant with my first.  How am I gonna know the way to push?  Well in all honesty your body kind of takes over.  You don't really have to think about how to push.  You just do it.  Don't worry I know the fear of the unknown can be stressful but you really have nothing to worry about.

    Congratulations and God Bless....

  18. You will absolutely know when your water breaks because you will either have a huge gush of water come out all at once with no prompting from you, or it will leak out slowly without you initiating it, like you are urinating.  When I had my daughter they had my husband and a nurse hold up either of my legs and had me grasp the back of my knees (your legs are bent) and push down like you are going p**p.  There are many different ways that can make pushing easier for you, but that's just what worked for me.  I am also pregnant with my 2nd child and due in December as well.  Good luck and congrats!

  19. You know when your water broke because a continuous (unstoppable) stream of water will trickle (or depending, flood) out of you.

    You push similar to when you are having a BM. And we do know the baby does not come out of your as$ smart one but it's all the same muscles down there.

  20. When your water breaks it feels like a balloon popping inside of you.  You will definetly know!  You may think you're peeing really weird, but the popping feeling (doesn't hurt) and the amount of water that comes out will make you realize what happened.  I do advise that you have some pads available in case your water does break because you will leak a little fluid until you give birth.  As for pushing, don't.  Get to the hospital and let them tell you when to push.  Pushing too early and you can tear yourself.  When you're pushing (it'll come naturally) it does feel like you're going to p**p.  Usually you'll have a contraction come on and you have the 'urge' to push.  It comes naturally and you'll become a pro by the third contraction!  If your baby is positioned right it can take anywhere from 5 minutes to a couple of hours pushing.

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