
How do you know when youre in love?

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how do u know when youre in love and not just absorbed in someone u like alot?





  1. You just do.There is no way to explain it.

  2. Well I don't know if this applies for everyone but here goes:

    You're anticipating the next time you'll see this person, your heart jumps whenever they're around, your stomach turns when you watch them walk away, even though you know they have to leave, and you're always thinking about them. And this lasts for longer than a week.

    I feel that same way about my best Friend. The second I officially met him, I knew he was the one (unfortunately he doesn't feel like that about me...) So I guess sometimes, you just know.

  3. When you are absorbed in someone u like alot how does that feel? I hate when people say don't confuse lust with love, don't do this with that, love takes time, you'll know when you feel it, it's overwhelming.

  4. Whenever you talk, see, or text that person, you get this strange fuzzy feeling inside. You can't help but smile at them because they are so special. That is how I know when I am in love.

  5. You will just know. Trust me, you will be able to figure it out.

  6. When you care for that person more than yourself. You see them and your heart starts beating faster, they are all you think about. At least that's how it was for me...

  7. When you're in love, you start thinking of ways to make the other person happy and you think about how happy your life is now that they're in your life and you think of getting in their pants, too! (Hey, why lie?)

  8. idk u just do

  9. if you try to get over the person and can't.  if you can't picture yourself marrying anyone else.  if you fantasize about marrying the person, raising kids and making passionate love.  can't get them off your mind and catch yourself thinking about previous memories with them....dedicate songs like "hanging by a moment-lifehouse" and "over and over-3dg" to them....if you start to miss the person as soon as you leave them.  you just.  know.  things like that are what i've experienced.

  10. ull feel it in their stare, touch, and kiss. but since ur a guy u honestly play a big part on that topic for the girl. but u will know

  11. I knew I was in love when I felt "in love" and on paper he was exactly what I was looking for as well.  

  12. you don't . you just know.

  13. when everyone you see looks like them

    ++you feel a connection

  14. When your in love you fell that the whole world seem to stop when your staring at that one girl and it's a awesome feeling.

  15. u think of wayz 2 get their attention and u feel different when u think about them and u think about them a lot and u dont want them 2 go out w sumbody else.

  16. You just know.  Being in love is a very special thing and when it comes you will have no doubt that its love.  Right now if you are wondering if you are in love then it isn't it.

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