
How do you know where to put your questions?

by  |  earlier

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People get on here and fuss about where you put your questions all the time. So, would someone please tell me how to know so that I may never make another person upset about where they (my questions) end up. I would hate to mess up someone else's day. Thanks!




  1. honestly?  I say who cares.

    You do your best.  That is all you can do.  try to find the best category for you.  maybe it's wrong.  If it is, don't lose sleep over it.  After all the point is the question itself, not were it's put.

    If people are upset by simple mistakes or confusion about where a question is, then they are the same people that would be upset because you didn't dot an I.  Or because you didn't use  enough description to explain your problem/question, or whatever.

    My answer?  Do your best, and who cares.

    mistakes happen.  Misunderstandings happen.  If anyone gets bent out of shape over it don't take it to heart and ignore them, there are more important things to focus your attention on.  Like the answer to your question.  :)

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