
How do you know which way your bindings should face and what side they should go on?

by  |  earlier

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know what i mean




  1. To start off, answer this question. When you slide in your stocking feet on the floor which foot leads, left or right? Once you answer that question put the bindings on the board that way, but dont put the screws in yet. Place them over the holes to start figure the placement about shoulder width apart. Once you do this put the screws in the closest holes if you are in between holes move them to the widest this will give you a lower center of gravity. Once you do this just snug the bolts. Put your feet and and find a natural and comfortable foot position. Tighten the bolts up once you get this figure out. Then the rest is just personal adjustments. Take little pocket tool with you the first time to make adjustments and start on the bunny slopes to do this....the bigger hills are harder to feel what adjustments need to be made. Hope this helps!

  2. Your question can be interpreted two ways:

    If you're asking how to tell which binding goes on the left and which goes on the right then you can tell by looking at the way the straps open.  Your straps should close towards the outside of your the part of the strap with the ratchet on it should be anchored to the inside part of your binding.  Also a lot of bindings have base plates that have an obvious left-right look, like shoes.

    As for whether you should mount your bindings regular (toes towards the right of the board) or goofy (toes towards the left) then that will depend on how you ride. You will want to stand on your snowboard the same way you stand on a skateboard or surfboard.  Another way to tell is that the foot you ussually kick with should be in the back.

    Hope this helps.

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