I've never been stung by any my whole life, so could I die or have a severe reaction the first time if stung?
One time, my bf got bit 10-20 times by some kind of ants(not huge ones or anything). He went to the ER because he started swelling, itching, and having trouble breathing. My bf has been bitten by (numerous)ants a few times in his lifetime. Why would he have a bad reaction on this occasion? By the way, all they did at the ER was give him some benedryl through an IV and send him home. They actually seemed kind of annoyed/amused that a 27 y/o man was at the ER for ant bites!
The point is, if I finally get stung by a bee, will it affect me at first, or would it take more than once to find out that you're (deathly)allergic?