
How do you know you're wiping your bum correctly?

by  |  earlier

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Nobody ever tells you how to wipe you bum! Personally I think it should be taught in s*x Ed, on a dummy r****m.

I tend to use a linear motion, but I was just wondering if anybody has another method? Getting bored of my method.

A demonstration would be very much appreciated. If your answer is good enough I'll tell you where i live and you can come and show me (all expenses payed).




  1. You have a bum who lives with you?  And you need to wipe him off sometimes?

    I don't understand...


  2. wipe it with chili powder on the paper that is less boring

  3. Once I discovered the fold technique I never turned back to the crumble.  So, I fold the toilet paper several layers thick and I wipe from front to back.  I often finish with wet wipes for that oh so clean feeling. :o)

  4. You are obviously full of c**p, so I'm sure you do not even NEED to worry about wiping ur bum.......

  5. That's just plain nasty. Effectively you are throwing out the idea into the cyber realm that you would like to watch someone wipe their crack.

    EDIT: I thought it was the best and most original wiping technique that claimed the honour of a personal demonstration. My method involves origami swans so I would need prep time, and I did not think it would be of interest to an enthusiast.

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