
How do you know you are out of control and should go to the ER for bipolar mania?

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People who have gone to the ER mania, when did you feel it necessary to go?

I feel im out of control and am bipolar 1 going through a horribly manic episode. what is out of control to you?




  1. dude go now.

  2. If I were you, I would go to the ER immediately.  My son was just in a pure mania episode and he called the cops because he had a fight with his dad.  Instead they took him away.  He tried to escape twice NOW he cant get out and he is in there until THEY deem it appropriate to let him out.  In other words, if you voluntarily admit yourself, you can voluntarily get out whenever YOU feel better and you will not be at the mercy of the Mental Hospital.

    Good luck.  I wish you the very best.

  3. Ask someone who knows you well.  Call your parents or a sibling or friend and ask them if they think you should go.   They know what your highs and lows are and what is out of control for you.  

  4. I would definitely get some help either at the ER or a Mental Hospital. Sounds like a manic episode and before things get worse, I would get your meds adjusted, and if you aren't on meds then time to get on them. When we are in a manic episode, we do not think rational, and we have no control over our actions, it usually ends up hurting someone or ourselves. You wouldn't want to continue without treatment because the longer you wait, the worse it gets. I know you think that smoking weed helps, I thought the same thing, but it really is making things worse for you. It is an instant fix, for about an hour or so, then the behavior comes right back. Please go get help.

  5. You need help now. There are medications and treatments that can really make a difference. Even if this episode passes, you still need to get help because there will be another episode and they can come on really quickly. Just tell the doctor what you've posted here but please go get help before you hurt yourself or someone else.

  6. I never thought it was necessary to go. Once, I ate a bottle of Klonopin to kill myself and, another time, I ate a bottle of Klopnopin to get high. Both landed me in the psych ward and both were done when I was obviously, floridly manic.

    I'm in the US and the following applies to most states here.

    Only three things can get you committed against your will: doing something to hurt yourself, doing something to hurt others, your parents (if you're underage as I was then). But if you willingly get yourself committed, things could be much better in the hospital for you.

    Usually, if a manic episode goes too far, you will NOT want to go to a hospital because you've lost most judgment and can't remember that anything is wrong. The above are concerns you are going to have to face in the case that things get worse.

    I honestly believe it is time to go to the hospital, when you're starting to think you should go to the hospital. From what you're saying, you sound like you might be manic. If you have been diagnosed before, you probably know how the beginning of such an episode feels like, and this might get you worried.

    I suggest you bring this up with your psychiatrist/psychologist, or, your parents. If you think you are in acute danger, and your parents aren't listening call 911 (especially if you turn suicidal).

    Sometimes, such thoughts are the product of the last shreds of sanity trying to send you a message, and, if ignored things can get worse. Else, these thoughts can just be you overreacting. I believe it is more likely the former than the latter.  

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