
How do you know you have OCD?

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I think I have it but I want to know how I can be sure. Sometimes I'm fine and I don't care but every now and then I remember and I freak out about little things. Please don't just give me a link please help me with this.




  1. if you have daily routines where you have to do and if youdon'tt you go crazy

  2. my therapist told me XD. lol, well the main thing for me are things lke getting to school and stuff an hour early and always clearing up the form room - with occasional shouting at me from my form tutors for this. (i am the only person whose been doing it for my form since i started at begionin of secondary skl 3 years ago).

    the obsessions and compultions have to take up at least an hour of your day.

    if you are worried plz try and see your doctor bout it

  3. There are different types of OCD, and it can be very mild and almost unnoticed to so severe you can't leave your own home because of your drive to do certain activities.

    You can also have things that are considered in the OCD spectrum, and times of stress or change can make them show up more.  One of the things that you can use to tell is if you have ritualized behavior, and if you don't follow the ritual you feel uneasy or anxious.  It can be something little, like not have your food in the "right spot" on your plate, or it can be repetative thoughts like making lists of things.

    Freaking out over little things from time to time could be more anxiety, but it can overlap with OCD, too.  However, you don't want to self diagnose, and the internet is a great place to learn and get ideas but you don't want to be diagnosed on here, either!  If you are really worried you might want to seek a professional opinion :)

  4. I used to check my alarm clock 30+ times a night...and then I would do it blinking, etc. I also still get kind of stuck on one subject, obsessed, and it's all I think about. I'm also a bit germophobic. Everything needs to be symmetrical and orderly. And, my main problem- I rewrite and rewrite things over and over in order for the writing to appear the same throughout the whole paper. I had some obsessions AND compulsions...and I still do. I just know.

  5. I think everyone to a degree suffers for OCD, I wouldn't say that i suffered but then when i go shopping and then put it away i do have to make sure the tins are grouped and the labels facing the same way hey maybe i'm a little OCD.

    If you think OCD has more of an impact on your life then i think it would be a good idea to seek some additional help/advise...guessing your GP would be a good start.

    Only you how 'far down the road' you are so treatment really depends on that.

    Good luck (don't  leave this or try and forget about it - it will not go away on its own!)


  6. um u have ocd if u count/ touch things i have OCD...... ~xoxo ally*

  7. Well if you repeat things like counting stuff over or doing things over and over again then it's called repetitive rituals OCD.Signs that you have OCD is and I got this off a site-

    Typical OCD obsessions revolve around:

    Fear of germs or dirt.

    Repeating Doubts.

    Having things in orderly.

    Aggressive or horrific impulses.

    Having sexual images.

    OCD sypmtoms involvingobsessions may include:

    Afraid of being contaminated by touching other objects that others have touched.

    Doubts that you haven't done something.

    Repeated thoughts that you have harmed someone or did something wrong.

    Getting really stressed out when objects are not in order.

    Thinking about hurting your child.

    Needing to should obscenities in inappropiate moments or situations.

    Avoiding shking hands because you think that it can trigger obsessions.

    Rethinking pornography in your head.In other words,you keep thinking about p**n.

    Developing dermatitis from washing your hands so much.

    You pick your skin so much until you develope skin lesions.

    You've pulled your hair so much until you have developed bald spots or thinning hair.Trichotillimania.

    Compulsions are repetitive behaviors.

    Typical repulsions revolve around the things below:

    When you keep washing and cleaning stuff.

    Counting over an over.

    Checking things over and over again.

    Demanding to be reassured about things.

    Repeating the things that you do over and over again.

    Making sure that objects are in perfect order.

    OCD symptoms involving compulsions may include the things below:

    Your skin becomes so raw because you wash your hands so much.

    You're not sure if the doors are locked so you recheck them.

    You're not sure if the stove is turned off so you recheck it.

    You may count in a certain pattern.

    I got that from another site,I just reworded it.I hope that I helped.GOD BLESS you!

  8. If you had OCD, you would be compulsive all the time about something specific.

    I do suggest that you talk to your doctor. You could have a problem that you are not aware of. Or we could all be wrong in our analysis based on such a small amount of information.

    There are many other things it could be from a personality disorder to depression and probably nothing. But, I think you would feel better if you discussed this with a professional.

  9. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD):

    is an anxiety disorder most commonly characterized by obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and related compulsions (tasks or "rituals") which attempt to neutralize the obsessions. OCD is distinguished from other types of anxiety, including the routine tension and stress that appear throughout life. The phrase "obsessive-compulsive" has become part of the English lexicon, and is often used in an informal or caricatured manner to describe someone who is meticulous, perfectionistic, absorbed in a cause, or otherwise fixated on something or someone. Although these signs are often present in OCD, a person who exhibits them does not necessarily have OCD, and may instead have obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) or some other condition. Some symptoms of OCD and OCPD are consistent with what Sigmund Freud called an anal retentive personality type, although this is rarely diagnosed as a clinical condition by non-psychoanalytic therapists.

  10. OCD is a compulsion, or an obsession with doing a certain thing for no reason. Like having to switch the lights on and off 10 times every time you leave a room, or washing your hands every five minutes. I read about a woman who had to count the number of peas she put on her plate and it always had to be the same or something bad would happen to her family. Its different for everyone. You should go and talk to your doctor and he will refer you to someone who can help you.

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