
How do you know you have reach your limit in a run ?

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I run 10km a fortnight but i suspect i overstretched myself because sometimes i feel like i want to faint or vomit after my run.have i reach my limit ?




  1. depends on your conditioning level

    I run 10 miles on the weekends and have run marathons...

    I trained 6 months for the marathon, and usually never felt what your are describing.........

    I don't race, though, I jog........

    again.......if you have gradually trained, you should be able to run without those long as your nutrition and hydration are good

  2. you feel really weak and tired. it sounds like you probably did reach your limit

  3. when you pass out! good luck and have fun :)

  4. thats common after races but u shouldnt be feeling like that after everyday practices.  

  5. It's common to vomit after a hard run and also feeling dizzy. You're probably fairly close to reaching your limit, but you're not there yet. Just make sure when you're done running you keep your head up, try elevating your arms and you should notice you don't feel as dizzy.

    Also make sure you do a nice cool down walk. Don't finish on a sprint or even a heavy jog.

  6. I think that you should be careful. It really depends on the person, but vomiting and being in a condition that is near fainting is serious. If this is during your run you should definitely stop running immidately. I would also carry a cell phone and run close to home. Running is supposed to be fun. Keep it fun!

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