
How do you know your baby wants to sleep?

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on the show Baby Borrowers, teens didn't know when babies needed to sleep and when they needed to's so funny...the show is on NBC




  1. He yawns, stretches his arms, folls over, closes his eyes and snores.

  2. thats not really that funny when a lot of teens are having babies now...babies having babies is just wrong.

  3. My little boy will rub his eyes and ears and if he has been a wake for more then an hour and a half its time and starts a little moaning you know its time.

  4. Teen parents that can not raise there kids are wrong..some teens are great anyways my daughter will start getting fussy and start rubbing her eyes...lay her head down on a shoulder a pillow anything

  5. My son will raise his arms to be picked up then will point towards his room and start waving at everyone, saying goodbye.

  6. if it's a newborn they'll just konk out(usually, unless they're hungry or poopy)

    if it's a toddler they get uuuber grumpy and cry over everything,then u have to work at getting them to lay down and stop playing.

    if they're a preschooler they may go lay down and konk out or they'll tell u the want to go "nigh nigh"

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