
How do you know your decan in your birth chart?

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this is an example of birth chart. does anybody know how to identify the degree to find out your rising sign and its decan?




  1. Unfortunately your link is not working, so I can't tell you straight out.  However, the decan (decanate) of your Rising sign (Ascendant) can be determined in this way:

    Look at your chart to find what degree and what Zodiac sign your Rising sign is in so you can determine if it is in the first, second, or third decan of that Zodiac sign.

    Each Zodiac sign has 30 degrees representing 3 decans: first decan 0-9 degrees, second decan 10-19 degrees, third decan 20-29 degrees.  Each decan must be of the same element...Elements are: Fire, Earth, Air, or Water.

    Say your Rising sign is 15 degrees Virgo (an Earth element), that would be the 2nd decan.  The Zodiac succession for Earth signs is as follows:  Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.  Starting from your rising sign of Virgo: The first decan 0-9 degrees would be Virgo, the second decan 10-19 degrees would be Capricorn, and the third decan 20-29 degrees would be Taurus.  Therefore a Rising sign of 15 degrees Virgo (2nd decan) would be the decan of Capricorn.......

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