
How do you know your husband wants to leave you?

by  |  earlier

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He talk lesser & lesser. He watch TV or surf net when he is not sleeping. When I ask him to go out with he always postpone it saying he's tired or give other reasons.

When I want to talk about what's wrong with him he says it's nothing he's too tired.

Is he planing to leave me and my baby?




  1. prepared

  2. To me is sounds like he may already have left the relationship and just not mentioned it to you.  Prepare youself.  He has lost interest in or is looking elsewhere by the sounds of it.  Try and talk to him about it though.  If he is planning on leaving, bring the issue up and maybe try and resolve whatever issues he has.  Seriously, he is your husband.  Talk to him…  Good luck.

  3. Time for you to start planning a life w/o him in it . Get a plan together it is the best way to go so your not stuck with nothing if he does  

  4. That's what my ex-bf did before break-up.

    You need to do something, otherwise, he might leave you and your baby oneday without notice. I am trying to being negative, but if your love is not healthy, you need to make things work with him.

    Pray to God and make requests to Him.

  5. Ask him not us.

  6. sounds like the relationship is on rocky ground...

    tell him you are leaving, and see what happens...

  7. Maybe he has depression. One symptom of it is retreating from loved ones. You have to get him to talk. Yell, scream, cry...whatever it takes to get him to open up even a little. Don't pack your bags unless you know what's really going on.

  8. He could be just as he says he is tired so don't make yourself sick over it. If he is planning to leave you there isn't anything you can do but watch him walk out the front door. You don't want anyone who doesn't want you do you? How is the s*x does he still want s*x from you?  When the two of you are in bed and your body happens to touch does he move away like real quick so you don't touch? Does he leave for work any earlier then before? Does he call and tell you he is having a few drinks with guys from work? Is he having more meetings at work?  These are the signs you look for.

  9. possible

    to little information to form an opinion

  10. There probably is nothing going on other than he is bored...and surfing the net can take the place of a's happened to a whole lot of people.  But DO NOT make the assumption he is being unfaithful unless you have some solid proof.

    Everyone it seems, wants to assume the very worst...and what you are doing is exhibiting your own insecurities...not uncovering his supposed infidelities.

    But I agree that you need to have time with each other.  You need attention.  He may just be bored with his life, his work, or his routine and the computer is his only form of entertainment....And boredom does not necessarily lead to infidelity either...

    When he says he is too tired, he is saying he is bored.

    You are the one who has to figure out what you want to do with that.

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