
How do you know your in love

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Everytime I call my boyfriend or he calls me, my heart beats slow and fast at the exact same time,and I get nervous talking to him sometimes, is that love? I've only been with him for 2 weeks. But I think he's the one to spend the rest of my life with. We live 13 hours away...I know it's hard to be in a long distance relationship, but I want to move closer so I can see him almost every single day. I hurts me when I can't...Am I in love?




  1. well it sounds like luv 2 me. if you r willing 2 leave your life 4 him (that's noble) then u most luv him. i wish u 2 the best of luck.

  2. yep u are!!!!!!!!

  3. I think it's either infatuation or you are in love with being in love.

  4. Hmmm.....I don't think so at all.  Those jittery, butterfly feelings come with the beginnings of a relationship.  You might still be dazzled by the fact that he's so awesome (in your eyes).  But trust me, as time goes on it will fade.  Love takes some time.  Don't throw your heart into this and don't jump the gun.  

  5. You can't tell in two weeks....that's not even enough time to really get to know someone inside and out.  He may have some trait that is a real deal-breaker that you haven't discovered yet.  Hold your horses, and give it time to develop into a real relationship.  Don't throw your heart and your life away on something that may not turn into anything.

    You sound infatuated, and there is nothing wrong with that, but it will fade eventually, and hopefully turn into something real for you.  Time is what you need.  Make sure he is feeling the same way and willing to sacrifice to make a relationship work.  

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