
How do you know your race?

by  |  earlier

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Ony guy said that he is 1/16 Native American.

How can I test it?

How many races does it have? I mean, do they consider all asian as 1 race?




  1. i believe that you are born into your race.........

    so if someone told me their 1/16 native american i will believe them......... coz he has been brought up being a 1/16..... so he is a 1/16!!!!!!!

  2. Looking into my family tree

  3. there are companies that will do genetic testing to give you a rundown of your ancestry

  4. 1/16 just means that one of his great, great-grandparents was Native American!

    There are:

    1) Sub-Saharan Africans

    2) Caucasoids

    3) Mongoloids

    4) Australoids

    5) Native Americans...

    Start out by asking your parents, Grandparents, etc...

    And, if all else fails, have your DNA tested!

  5. I think this will help you.

  6. You're either human or your not!

    That simple!

  7. Dont worry about it! We're all members of the human race regardless of how our phenotype expresses our minor genetic variations!

  8. race is an artificial construct. there are as many or as few as the general public chooses to accept.  you'll know what race you are by thinking of a man walk through the door holding an assault riffle. the man then says that he is there to kill all whites, if that statement doesn't threaten your life then you're not on and so forth. all asians do not fall under the race "asian" think of indians are they asian? well india is in asia, but are they refered to as asians? how about Asian russians? race is determined by skin tone, and facial structures mostly......that is when it really comes down to it.

  9. race is social category not a biological one

  10. There is only the human race.

    There are different ethnicities, though.

  11.'s race can be determined by either their genotype or phenotype...we are mostly categorized by our phenotypes but out genotypes carry more information about what we are which is ALL the SAME

    ...race, a social tool used to create inequality amongst different ethnicity and cultural groups is an inappropriate way to categorize a human the going says, "a book should never be judged by it's cover but by it's content:...

  12. Look up your family tree.  Thats the only way to know.

    There are many different types of asian decendants.

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