
How do you learn to do a back handspring?

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I would like to know how to do a back handspring. There aren't any gymnastic or cheer gyms in my town and i really want to learn how to do them.

I know when you learn how to do a flip there are like steps that you take, and once you master the first one you move on 2 the the second one. (Such as first doing a summersault)

Are there steps like that to do a backhandspring.

I know it takes alot of strength, and i have that and my sister to spot me but i need to know the steps in order to mastering it. Thanks!




  1. practice on a large trampoline - and definitely use a spotter!

  2. well it takes alot of practice to do that but anyway first you should try finding a big berrel of somekind and try to do a bridge on it and then you kick your feet over your head and if you do that alot you will get better and better until you get it i hope that helps.

  3. by being flexible

  4. I'm a level 6 gymnast and there are different steps you can take. This is the way they teach us at my gym.

    1st you need you know the different possions

    when you start put your arms up, then swing them down and bend your knee like your sitting in a chair.

    Then swing them back up and push as hard as you can with your legs. When you land on your hands you should be i a handstand.

    When your in the handstand quick snap your legs down and lift your hands!

    Well there you go. When you first try have a spotter. Don't be afride just keep your legs and arms striaght.

    -good luck! <3

  5. Ask a female gym teacher to 'spot' you do it on a mat or someplace soft.

  6. 1. First get a running start but make sure that you build enough momentum(because you start off with none)then run as fast as you can (the faster you go the better the backhand spring)but make sure before you jump you are in a standing position with your feet together, your knees together, and your arms by your ears. Put your chin down.

    2. Swing your arms down then forward as you bend your knees as you begin to lean backwards. If you were to stop the trick at this point, you should be falling backwards.

    3. Swing your arms above your head as you extend off the floor with a strong push from your legs and feet.

    3. Let your legs drive you upward and backward. Point your toes and extend through your ankles. Make sure you keep your head back between your arms while you start to reach for the floor. Start to look for a landing spot on the mat.

    4. Keep your body arched as your hands touch the floor or the mat, with your legs and lower body still following. Keep your hands either straight forward or turned in slightly. Spread your fingers a little, keep your feet together, and don't let your knees bend!

    5. Swing your legs and feet over and snap them down firmly toward the floor. Keep your upper body straight. Do not lock your knees at this point or you will damage them.

    6. Land with your legs slightly bent and swing your arms out straight in front of you.

    Hope it helps you ;)

  7. what heather said and be carful!!

  8. i used to be a cheerleader, once you get the hang of it it's really simple.

    1) do a back bend--bend backwards until your hands touch the ground. (if you an do this, just lay on the ground and lift your self up into one). Master this before the next step, you need to have all your muscles stretched out so you dont injure yourself.

    2) now try a back walk over--do a back bend, and then flip your legs over. It takes a lot of strength if you've never done it before so you may need to build up or muscles first.

    3) if you can do the last two steps, then you have the basic form of a back hand spring down. a back hand spring is basically just faster. You have to be brave to try it. have a spotter the first time you try, and like someone said before, practice on a trampoline before on the ground.

    hope i helped--i know it's a long explanation but all these tips taught me!

  9. First, you need shoulder flexibility, it helps but can be done without it.

    Second, learn a back walkover first.

    third, does your sister know what she is doing?  Was she formaly taught and educated on teaching and spotting such skills?  Or does she just think she can help?

    1.  Back bend

    2. Kickover

    3. Back walkover

    4. proper arm swing with proper sit motions

    5. handstand snap downs and handstand blocks

    6. 4 and jumping to hollow body position on surface bellybutton level

    7. with spot # 4 and 6 to handstand for correct body positioning

    7. everything to feet

  10. Have someone hold your back when you do a back bend then have them help flip you over and keep doing that and you will hopefully get it (unless you are really clumsy or uncoordinated)


  12. I'm not sure how old you are, but if you haven't learned already and you're asking about's too late and you're too old to learn...sorry.

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