
How do you learn to do the splits??

by  |  earlier

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I'm wondering what kind of strecthing and things would help to make it possible to be able to do the splits and about how long would it take?




  1. I remember when I wanted to do the splits, It was never possible for me. But who's to say it will be for you! Anywhooo you should take gymnastics and maybe cheer leading, from the people I know say when they were in cheer leading their coaches taught them how to do the splits.

  2. i used to be ale to do them and this is how firstly you need to stretch your leg muscles and just try keep stretching them in the splits till it hurts hold it there for about a minute and keep going further down and down and ease yourself into it

    just go into the splits and push yourslef down and keep doing it dont push yourself too far cos you can hurt yourself

    there is no set time for it to take but if you dont stretch you will lose flexibilty

    ( i did gymnastic for 8 years)

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