
How do you learn to figth better by not going to classes i fight but im not good but luck was with me?

by  |  earlier

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i want to learn how to fight better but i dont want to go to boxing or kirate or any classes ive been in 1 fight but i won cause i had luck i guess please help




  1. You want to learn how to fight, but you don't want to train?  That's like someone wanting to learn how to drive, but not wanting to ever actually get into a car.  The only way to learn is to find a gym and start working.  You can read MMA books and watch training videos till your eyes bleed, but nothing is a substitute for actual practice.  Only a trainer is going to be able to tell you that you need to pivot more on your kicks, or step closer/farther away to hit a throw, or adjust your opponents arm to apply more pressure to an armbar.  And only sparring/rolling around with your class mates is going to let you practice the techniques you've been drilling.

  2. i think fizzley dreemer need to learn to spell....

    anyway why don't you want to got to boxing or karate classes?

    i used to fight with a friend after school sometimes it was good we only used like 2 rules no head/groin strikes and nothing that will easily break bones. sure we went to school the next day sore but it was always fun. and fighting more than 1 person is probably better as well the guy i used to fight was really fast but he had very little power. now i do martial arts and in spareing i sparr other people and it is very different because i spar slower but very strong guys who really hurt.

    o also you shouldn't fight anyone unless absolutely necessary( sure we fought each other but we did it for training) you shouldn't get into fights if you can avoid it even if you are labeled a chicken or p***y at school you are beter off not being at the fight. maybe next time you wont be so lucky even if you do training you might just get cocky and get the c**p beaten out of you and then you will look worse than if you wernt there and you will probs get in trouble for fighting wether its from police or school.

  3. If you avoid getting into fights you will be undeafeatable and never have to waste your time with those silly martial art classes

  4. Go to the deli/butcher shop.

    Find a hanging slab of meat.

    Punch it.

    Run up outdoor stairs.

    Drink raw eggs.

  5. Unless you have someone that will teach you without going to class you really won't learn. Books and videos are not substitutes for someone corrected your technique as you are doing it.

    Other than formally being taught.....I suppose you could fight and try to figure it out.....but that's unlikely to work since you won't really know what you're doing correct and what mistakes you're making.

    Sorry to say that there isn't any other solution for ya.

  6. Why do you want to learn to fight?  You need to figure out what your reasons are and find a doctrine or art (American Boxing, Tae Kwon Do, Soo Bahk Do, Kung Fu, Jujitsu, etc... that best meets your needs. It is extremely importrant that you learn proper technique for executing moves, anatomy and physiology, and how to read your opponent's moves even if you just want to learn how to defend and protect yourself.  You need to find an instructor that is willing to take you as a student (privately or as part of a group).  Being a participant in a fight just because you want to fight isn't the true warrior way.  To quote Grandmaster Hwang Kee's 10 Articles of Faith on Mental Training:

    1. Be loyal to one's country. Sacrifice to fulfill your duty to your country and your people.  

    2. Be obedient to one's parent and elders. Children should be dutiful to their parents and parents should be charitable to their children.

    3. Be loving to one's husband or wife. From the mother's body develops man's happiness, as harmony and affection from love between the sexes.

    4. Be cooperative with your brothers (siblings).  Hold together with cooperation and concord.

    5. Be respectful to elders.  Protect the rights of th weak with courtesy and modesty.

    6. Be faithful to your teacher.  Learn the truth through practice of duty, loyalty, and affection.

    7. Be faithful to friends.  Honor friendship and be peaceful and happy with harmony towards all mankind.

    ***** 8. Face combat only with justice and with honor.  Be able to distinguish between good and bad with fairness and rightfulness.

    9. Never retreat in battle.  Sacrifice for justice with capability and bravery.

    10. Always finish what you start.  Move to action with sureness and with hope.

    Before you learn how to fight, you must learn what your reasons are for fighting in the first place.  

    I've been practicing martial arts for 10+ years.

  7. you only learn how to fight by experience.

    as with many other things.

  8. u cood just praktis on stuff. like on the t v i saw a kirate guy hoo wood kick trees and do punches to praktis and he was reely good he wood even beet the uther guys.

  9. I guess you could wish for the Kung Fu Fairy to come. If you want to learn how to fight you're going to have to learn from someone who knows i.e. a martial arts school.

  10. before i got into my art i taught myself to fight and was good lost very few...but i learned so many bad habbits i thought i would never be able to get the techniques down...only advice i could give oyu is find someone to teach sensei taught me informally accept for tests and when we traveled...or get into a class...otherwise it could ruin you...

  11. well um this is an odd question

    well i recommend u get sum gloves n a punching bag

    start boxing wit sum out but dont get buff stay well toned n quick

  12. If you want to be a better fighter, then you need to train, simple as that. You can practice punching bags on your own, reading books and watching videos all you want, but nothing replaces training in a gym, dojo, dojang under the supervision of a certified instructor.

    If you don't want to do that, just get some friends together and spar. A lot.

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