
How do you learn to play the electric guitar fast easy and free from your house?

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I really want to learn how to play the electric guitar easily and for free but theres nothing thats free and that actually helps you learn electric guitar anyone know about somthing like online and thata worked for them?




  1. while theres nothing thats free that will help you if you really want to learn you should learn how to read tabs just type how to read tabs in yahoo answers if you dont know how. Really what you need to become good is determination. And if you need tabs is normally a good place to look. good luck

  2. Listen to what Mamianka and Rachel said. There is nothing like that. Electric guitar is an art, just like any other instrument, and takes years to become good at. Obviously, you have no previous experience with music, you can't read music and don't know the theory. So please, do yourself a favor and book some lessons (you won't need more that ten probably) just to learn the basics of playing and theory. With correct approach and knowledge of some theory, you can further teach yourself, but in the beginning you really do need a teacher. A real teacher...and EXPERT...not a friend who knows 5 chords!!!!

    Good luck and pleeze do it! You will save many months, in fact, learning from a teacher is the fast way your looking for, but you'll have to pay, however, it's bloody worth it! DO IT!

  3. Yes, youtube is the place. It will help to have a real human to jam with after you learn some basics (or to help learn the basics)..........that's sometimes free, too.

  4. Only if one of your parents is a guitar teacher.

    Websites and videos let you watch somebody ELSE play.  If you want to learn to play, then someone who is an EXPERT must be able to see and hear you.  No website will do that.  Sure, people will TELL you and SELL you - but the only one truly winning there is the one cashing the checks.

  5. hello,

    actually ive learned alot of guitar on youtube, just type in guitar lessons, or electric guitar lessons on youtube, there are tons of tips and lessons/videos in there, and its free :)

    hope it helps :)

  6. There is no such thing as learning guitar "fast" and "easy".  If it were truly "fast" and "easy", everyone would do it.  And "free" guitar instruction materials are generally worth what you paid for them.

    Instead there are a lot of clueless beginners who buy guitars thinking that its going to be fast and easy to learn guitar off the internet -- then they find out that they're NOT going to be good enough to be in their friend's band in a month, get frustrated and quit.

    Or they learn a few intros and solos to a half dozen songs from tabs they got off the Internet, but they skip over the basics of MUSIC.  They can't play chords or keep a steady beat when they're playing rhythm, can't improvise, follow a chord chart, or play anything they don't have tabs for.  Then they hit a wall in their guitar playing and come on here looking for advice on how to improve -- and the advice is -- TAKE SOME LESSONS. LEARN THE BASICS before you dive into playing solos right away.  Learn what you're doing and why.  

    If you're truly interested in becoming a good musician on guitar, you can't go into it expecting it to be fast and easy.  You can learn a handful of chords in a few months, well enough to strum along on some simple 3 chord rock songs without messing up too badly. And if that's all you want to do, great.  But truly mastering the guitar takes YEARS, and its a neverending journey, because no matter how good you get you never run out of new things to learn about music.  

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