
How do you lessen the pain of shin splints while running?

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I usually run outside, on the hard concrete, and can't help but get shin splints after I am done running. I am a poor college student and cant' afford a gym membership to run on treadmills.

Any good ideas on how to lessen the impact on my bones while running?





  1. You need to rest them for a while, constant running isn't going to help. and then just ease back into it with shorter runs.

  2. You can't lessen the pain of shin splints while running, but you can lessen the pain when you are not running.

    When you are not running, ice your shins. Take an ice cube and just roll it up and down your shins or where it hurts. Do this for 10 minutes, stop for another 10 minutes then do it again for 10 minutes. You don't want to do it for 20 minutes, or it won't do any good.

    Also stretch your cavles. You may thing that stretching your cavels have nothing to do with your shins, but they do.

    Also if you are running on hard concrete, trying getting really cushioning running shoes.

    Go to your local running shop and tell them about your situation. You run on concrete, and you are valunerable to shin splints. They'll find a nice pair of shoes that will last you probably 400+ miles.

    Good luck!

  3. It is also very important to stretch after running as well. One way of causing shin splints is by landing hard on your heels, so you can also try to land more on the balls of your feet or flatfooted. However, the major cause of shin splints is the shoes you're wearing. Go to a running specialty store and ask about shoes. You may have to get a new pair with proper cushioning. If they are a constant problem, ice your shins after running and get sufficient rest.

  4. Your shin splints will just get worse, try take a break until they're better.

  5. resting would be the best. but u can't always run on the grass becasue there is less pounding on them

  6. I had that problem from running on sidewalks in the city. The only thing that will help is taking a complete break from it and maybe just walking for exercise. You could also try yoga which will help lengthen the body and strengthen the weaker areas, and weight lifting will build muscle while you're waiting to heal. No high impact anything!! When you begin again, try finding a track at a school to run on, get better shoes, and alternate runs with other forms of exercise. Try some DVDs-there are some great ones out there.

  7. Well,

    One: it may be your sneakers. The could be old and worn out, resulting in painful shint splints.

    Two" If your sneakers are fine, I suggest you get arch supports.

    Three: Before you run stretch your shins. here's how:

    Using An Elastic Sports Band or a t shirt , lay down and put one leg up as high as it can go.

    Put the band or tshirt around the foot, and hold onto the band/shirt on either side with both hands. Then, pull the band/shirt to the right, then left, then middle about 3 times. Do the other side. this should help.

    After you run, do the same thing again.

    Four: Ice before and after you run

    Five: When around the house, pick up things with your toes, (marbles, blankets, beads)  it helps strenthen the shin area.

    Six: When you are running outside, listen to your feet. If you can hear your feet smacking on the pavement, then you are runninf incorrectly and that could be the source of all your pain.  

    Hope I helped.

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