
How do you let your discontent be known when you see how far the politicians have dragged down the US?

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I make sure that all my mail goes out with an American flag stamp upside down to protest the US foreign and domestic policies. If you think this is a good little way to show your patriotism, please star this question... I want to believe that the more people do this, the better.




  1. Write to your congressman and senators.  The stamp business is futile: no one pays any attention to these.

  2. your such a rebel

  3. Ewww you might offend a postal worker, scary just scary

  4. I suppose that it is a nice gesture to turn your stamps upside down, but I wonder what you think it accomplishes.

    If you really want to change things, then it might be a good idea to get involved.

    Perhaps it would be a good idea to go to city council meetings, and meetings of planning and zoning.  Maybe, when your Congressman comes to town, you should go and see him.  Maybe you should write some letters, or get involved in the campaign of someone who you think will better represent you.

    It's all well and good to do silly things, like upset the post office, but I really don't think that your representatives care, it will just make the price of postage go up and decrease the efficiency of an already inn efficient system.

  5. You give them too much credit. They have no power over religious fanaticism. It is the ignorant, self-righteous pig that has brought the world to its knees.

    It's all part of that particle contamination I spoke of from Mars the other day...

  6. First of all, I suggest if you haven't yet viewed Micheal Moore's Sicko you do so as soon as possible. Moore is truly on the right track. I remember in the 60's when we use to stand up and protest for what we want,however now we are to afraid of our governing bodies that will beat us to a pulp.What happened to us? Viva La Frances. Good Luck.

  7. It really makes me sick to see what these crooks and aholes are doing and unbelievably they pretty much do WTF they want to.Look at George Bush and all the c**p he does and he still smiles like a loon when you see him on the TV and you can tell there is nothing upstairs but only mush where the brains used to be after Georgie Got elected not once but two times i threw up my hands in disgust as what were people thinking' or were they sleep voting..

  8. All the stamp thing used to do was stop the stamp reading machines and then that piece of mail would have to be sorted by hand.  That was some odd 20 years ago.  My guess is the scanners have improved and been largely replaced since then making your gesture largely symbolic and would mainly go by without notice by the multitudes

    How I let the politicians know I don't like what they are doing is constantly voting in new people and voting out anyone who is currently in office UNLESS they are doing an outstanding job.

  9. I eat my own toenail clippings.

  10. Stooge, you're a limey. Why are you using American Stamps anyway?

  11. Move to Pakistan, Africa, Iraq, or any other h**l hole on this earth, just don't come crawling back a''hole

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