
How do you like Hurricane Catharina being used as boogieman by environmentalists?

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NHC concluded that it is likely that much of the city experienced sustained winds of Category 1 or Category 2 strength. - Wikipedia.

First of all, hurricanes are possible there. There is no connection between global warming and hurricanes.

Hurricane Category 1 or Category 2 brings the mess, but not the mass tragedy. I've been in Miami thru Wilma and Catharina, we lost poser, lost some trees and some people got the house damaged.

The real tragedy came from the flooding, which was a result of broken levees. The government was supposed to properly build and maintain the levees.

The real tragedy comes from is ignorant people, who did not care about taking care about their city, not the whole planet.

This tragedy would happen regardless of the pollution.




  1. Yeah, it's all c**p. Last year they predicted more than average hurricanes and I think we got about 4 or 5 (well below average). This year they did the same...predicted more than average hurricanes...we haven't seen any's so ridiculous...they can't even predict the weather a week in advance with any consistency.

    With regard to Katrina: any idiot that remains in a city that is below sea level with a category 4 hurricane headed directly in their direction gets exactly what they deserve. What ever happened to personal responsibility. Why do people expect the government to protect them from everything? Perhaps it's just the people that rely totally on the government for everything like food, shelter, and medical care. They have the audacity to complain when Mommy and Daddy Government doesn't protect them. Pathetic!

  2. you are a terrible insensitive ignorant person to say such a thing.

    i lived in the gulf during the two worst seasons on records and i can tell you this - the weather buoys that measure wind were blown out of the water - that means the storms are so much worst then can even be recorded.

    those d**e's were way over due to be fixed - so you curse them i suppose you feel differently about the recent bridge collapse in pretty white MN.

    shame shame shame on you.

  3. Sure a disaster is when you know it will happen but you ignore it until it happens. The big earthquake on the west coast will be a disaster, a hurricane hitting NY will be another. One day it happens.

    But the problem becomes more real since we are cooking our atmosphere. There is just no debate any more if global warming is a reality.

  4. Personally, I like spelling Katrina correctly.

  5. Probably the hurricane is being used as a boogie man against people concerned about the environment. What I mean is it has become another means by which to discredit people who care about the planet by accusing them of being too concerned.

    That's boogie man talk ... scaring people about 'evil' environmentalists.

  6. Whose Catharina ? Isn't it Katrina...just some sarcasm.

    Yes Al Gore and his followers are doing well in trying to inject global warming fear in Americans so that we will start spending more of our tax monies in other countries to prevent it.

    Instead of working on levees, weakening bridges, and dredging waterways that easily floods after heavy rains, which will protect our people or cities.

    Soon they will also blame Tsunami's on global warming, instead of a shifting of the earths platonic plates....LoL!

    And they call only Bush a fear monger....simply hypocritical!

  7. Never heard of that hurricane.

  8. Clearly the hurricane was GODS HAND being used to wipe out some of the sin and evil that was going on in that filthy city.

    The place wall filled with catholics, homosexuals, people on welfare, immigrants, prostitutes, hippies, etc.

    The only reason the liberals are sad and the conservatives are not is because all the liberals there died :) actually we feel slightly smug, knowing that god is on our side. if you don't feel smug about Katrina you probably should open your old testament.

    Remember the story of Soddam and Gommorra?

    kids, I have to tell you, GOD is a jealous, angry god.

    "Then the Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the Lord out of the heavens" Genesis 19:24

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