
How do you like a Friday morning Particular Thanksgiving?

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Friday Morning Thanksgiving

By C.S. Scotkin

Morning is here, another day.

Staring through the screens at one a.m.

Whispering OM to the void.

The Universe embraced me.

Warm and stiff from sleeping there,

the cats who guarded me are

are grateful to see I am alive.

So am I. All is well.




  1. I am glad all is well this Friday Thanksgiving.  All is well here too.  Good Morning!

  2. Repetition in poetry is allowed! Enjoy your coffee.

  3. "Hi!",

    Good morning too you!

    May you have a lovely day.

    And Cheers to the lovely morning poem.


    Cheers :)

  4. psst..S2 L3 1st word

    So are we CS...Always grateful for you

  5. The ares have it.  Move over Om.  RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR your way to the coffee now as I fight the noble battle with the spell chick who doesn't like rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!  

  6. the cats who guarded me are

    are grateful to see I am alive.

    (Yes, Yes...I see the added are--but more importantly)...those are great lines.

    It's a smooth compact poem that has a lot in it (I also especially like: Whispering OM to the void).

  7. Good Morning ......And we are grateful that we are alive as well ,,,,,,,specially one of our two cats --Gizmo-- She's always with me in wee hours of the morning -4-or so She makes sure I do everything right ,,,puttin' on the Coffee & such getting Her treat ,,,Then stretches out in front of the monitor where i'll be My own presonal Secret Service Cat,,,, my Protector in the wee hours of the morn,,,Nice Poem ,,,,,,,,,Have a Great Weekend!!!  

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