
How do you like my idea of controlling immigration?

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Without announcing the starting date, stop all applications for immigration for the next 25 years. During this time, allow the ICE to clear it's backlog and determine the next course of action, such as continuing current policies, strictly reducing the number of immigrants from each country (old policy), etc.

What are your thoughts? Note that this covers all types of immmigrants.




  1. it's not a good idea

    there are many many legitimate reasons fro people to come to US including business meetings, university students, ordinary tourism, etc

    if these people have a visa, but do not leave on time they are "illegal immigrants" though they may have every intention of returning home eventually

    every country in the world has policies and procedures to process immigration, it really isn't rocket science

  2. NO! my idea is better:

    If all illegal immigrants got deported, the people that wanted them out, that hate them, that don't believe the positive impact they have on this country should pay extra taxes to make up for the Billions of taxes and Billions in dollars not being pumped into the economy, and then they should be forced to work the jobs they left behind so the economy wouldn't suffer more then it is.

  3. Unfortunately, your plan has one main flaw in it: The people who have been waiting years for their paperwork to go through so that they can be legal residents.

    While I'm not a Democrate, I personally like Obama's idea at the moment because our economy sure could use the money, it would take care of the illegal immigrants we currently have in the US, and it would address future immigration into America. Then again, I like pretty much everything I've read in his Blue Print for a New America.

    But that's my opinion & I'm sure every Republican will give me a thumbs down.

  4. If such a policy existed then it would prevent dozens of thousands of couples from being together -- that affects US citizens who simply wish to be with their loved one. You might argue that if they married a foreigner they can get out of the US and go live somewhere else in the world if they want to be together, but that is not always possible, and it's also highly cold-hearted.

    But more generally, it seems to me that you see a problem where there is none. Regulated, legal immigration is how it should be, and although US immigration is a little slow to process applications, the system works alright.

    The problem is illegal immigration, but what you're suggesting is to punish everybody (and again -- that includes US citizens) because of Mexicans -- and I'm just saying Mexicans due to the fact that, let's face it, the vast majority of illegals in the US are Mexicans.

    That's not a solution.

  5. Right. Keep dreaming about that and it might not come true.

  6. This is a old article ,so statistics are most likely higher now. I agree with you it is ridiculas that we tolerate the behavior of immigrants,especially illegals.We definatley should put a freeze on immigration.

    It is also apparent that [foreigners] are members of many of the most violent gangs in America.""

    "Over 631 gang-related homicides occurred in 2001, and by 2003, the number of gang killings had jumped to 819. In addition to homicide, gang members have been directly linked to the narcotics trade, human trafficking, document fraud, and VIOLENT assaults."

    The fact is as percentage, illegal aliens commit more crimes than Americans. Illegal aliens make up nearly 30% of the U.S. prison population. California's prisons are overflowing with illegal aliens. California spends over $1 billion a year on criminal illegal aliens that are in jail because they committed crimes.

    Approximately 27.5 percent of all federal prisoners are criminal aliens (illegal aliens and legal aliens who are convicted of committing a crime). (Read more: Information on Criminal Aliens Incarcerated in Federal and State Prisons and Local Jails GAO)

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