
How do you like play/row crew?

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I'm going to highschool next year and I want to row this fall.

The thing is I have never heard of it until a couple months ago when I signed up for it. Tryouts are in a couple weeks and I dont know the rules or what crew is like anything! AHH help me. So like the rules, or just in general what do I need to know to become a rower?




  1. Don't worry! You will be fine. One of the great parts of rowing is that you can only join when you are in highschool, so you will be joining a novice team where nobody knows what they are doing and you will not be alone. Your coaches will be understanding and will teach you everything you need to know.

    There are no "rules" exactly that you need to know. It's not like a game, its more of a race. Your coach will teach you exactly how to row, but to get the general idea - you will be sitting in the boat going backwards sitting on a seat that will move. Rowing is mainly in your legs contrary to popular belief that its in your arms. You will have either one oar or two depending on if you are rowing or sculling and if you have one it will go towards either port side (your right) or starboard side (your left). When you take a stroke it goes legs, then back, then arms, then going back up to the catch (the beginning of your stroke when you are sitting as far up in front of you as your seat allows you to go and your oar is just in the water) you reverse it and go arms, then back, then legs. There are videos you can watch right here to make it more clear because I know it sounds confusing.

    Don't worry about it much, your team will teach you everything you need to know.

    Most rowers wear spandex but on your first day or first weeks its okay to wear athletic shorts and a t-shirt. Bring socks and gym shoes, but the shoes you will wear while rowing are attatched into the boat.

    Just make sure when you are trying out that you are up for the challenge because it is very physically demanding! To prepare I would try erging (indoor rowing machine at most gyms) and running a lot.

    Good luck and have fun :]

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