
How do you like the neighborhood?

by  |  earlier

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Do you live in a house or an apartment?

Where is it>>> suburbs or downtown?

How much noise is there?

Are ther any good restaurants nearby?

How many clubs/theaters/gyms......ect are there in your neighborhood?

Is there any puplic transportation near your home?

How much crime is there?

How do you like it there?


About me: I live in a big apartment building in the city.. there is alot of noise in my neighborhood because there is a dance club across from my building...there is alot of traffic, I cannot stand the noise sometimes!.......... What about you???




  1. I hate my neighborhood. It's been on COPS twice. Too bad, i can't do anything about it, because im only 14. lol

  2. its a little better since the crackheads moved.

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