
How do you link a universal TV remote control to a TV??

by Guest67165  |  earlier

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I have a control and it works and i press "TV" and the light flashes but my TV does nothing!!! HELP!!




  1. their is a specific code that is only for your type of TV which comes with instructions with the remote! so find the right one on the large list of codes & follow the instructions, once the code is activated the remote will work like any other.

  2. You have to type in a code,Read the instructions.

  3. you should have the number you enter for the type of model tv you have

  4. Does it have a phone # to call on it for assistance? Hey, I just found this in  a book that my daughter brought home from the library. It is supposed to have a list of codes for lots of different manufacturers.Hope this helps--

  5. Open the battery door. In most remotes, you will find there the model number and the manufacturer.

    Then go to their web site to find instructions.

    Worst come to worst, buy another universal remote, which hopefully will support your TV (there is no guarantee)

  6. Read the instructions that came with it! That's what they are there for.

  7. Each Universal control manufacturer uses their own unique code for different  brands of TV sets.

    To answer your question we need to know the manufacturer and model of the universal remote and the manufacturer of the TV you are trying to control.

    You can go on line to the universal remote control manufacturer's web site and get the codes, and the instructions for programming the codes into your remote.

    Most remotes also have an auto scan feature where the remote will search for the right code.  Again that information is available at the remote manufacturer's web site.

  8. Buy a new remote control. They're not that expensive.

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