
How do you live forever???

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other than breathing ;D




  1. Do not accept death as an inevitability.  Well that's a start anyway.

  2. I read 11 of your answers and none had a clue as to what life eternal was all about. This does not shock me for my studies tell that few will survive this mortal existence. Yet it is the bases of Jesus' teachings and the foundation for the meaning of his mortal life.

    He teaches that it is by faith in the God of survival that we will gain eternal life. His life in the flesh is an example of how we can live our lives through faith.

    He worshiped God His Father by living his life being as God is while in the flesh. We can live our lives being God like as well. Simply living our lives by truth, beauty, and goodness.

    For any who would like to examine what I've disclosed follow the link.

  3. Become an amoeba.     Technically, since they reproduce by division, every amoeba alive always was alive and always will be alive as long as there are amoebas.

    When an amoeba reproduces and divides, which is the parent and which is the offspring?     Neither and both!!

  4. You become a Mormon.They believe in that.  

  5. immortality is a curse.

    never being able to experience the beauty of death would be unbearable. you would eternally live with doubt, rejection, worry and such things that make living hard.

    an immortals greatest weakness is envy of a mortal.

    i would never wish to live forever and never wish it upon anyone.

    How sad it would be to never die. to view death and yet, never know it.  

  6. Make a lasting impression on humanity.

  7. You love others more than you love yourself, and this is why so few are long remembered...

  8. do good to everybody

  9. The pictures that are taken of you capture you in those in a way, you live forever through the pictures and in the hearts and minds of those who love you.

  10. Through your eternal spirit.

  11. Who told you u could live forever?

    sorry but thats just not possible.

    as far as im aware.

  12. You can't. But you can leave a lasting impression. Just remember, good deeds are more likely to be remembered over time than selfishness.  

  13. your body will eventually be tired and will shut down.

  14. day at a time and always in the moment...

  15. avoid dying.

  16. We all live forever through our genes and DNA that is carried from the first man to the last one.

  17. age(time)=change

    avoid change as much as possible.

    (i told you how to live longer not happier;) )

  18. Thank God we don't live forever. This would be one crowded planet.

    You may say that we live forever in the hearts of our descendants, but that is really only true for a few generations.

    Our atoms will live on forever after we turn to dust. As we learn in physics, matter is neither created or destroyed.

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