
How do you look at yourself and except the way your body is?

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My weight is CONSTANTLY on my mind. People tell me I am skinny/normal. I am 5'3" at 115 lbs. I will look at my stomach and hate the way it looks. I don't know if everyone sees the fatness I see, or if it's my mind playing tricks, to make me think I am fat. My friends tell me I am skinny, but that's not what I see. How do you look at your body, and tell yourself it's beautiful? Thank you to everyone who will answer kindly.

Take care x




  1. u have to build your confident, try to make yourself feel comfortable about your body, u have to love yourself, do what make u happy? u worry about it too much, just relax i;m sure u are fine, everyone have fattiness in them, if not they will. i know i need to work at my body, but i'm kinda lazy at it.


  2. theres always somewhere i wnna loose weight :\

    mainly my thighs but i think its genetic

    just be glad your like skinny

    im skinny tooo :]

  3. In order to except your body, you must learn to love your body. Being 5'3 and 115lbs isn't fat at all. I understand you might not like what you see, we all do. I'm your weight and height and although I'm skinny, I too dislike my stomach. I don't obsess over my body like I used too and I think that's what you might need to do. You can start by stop thinking about your weight. Try not to stare at yourself in the mirror too long. But most importantly, love your body. Its who you are in the inside that really counts. Once you realize that, not only will your insecurities go away, you will be more confident in the way you look.

    If you really dislike your stomach, you can run or do any type of cardio excercise to burn the fat and do crunches/sit ups to tone the muscules.  

  4. Listen, you are who you are. Don't try to be someone else. The important thing is that you are healthy. Eat to be fit and healthy not to be some imaginative perfect person. You are a good person, be happy with who you are, eat smart and worry about those other things inlife that are important - school, career, soul mate, etc.

  5. think about what you actually like on your body, I don't like my shoulders but I like my stomach, my b***s aren't voluptuous but my booty is bangin, I'm not perfect, but I'm perfectly fine..

    And maybe try working on those abs instead of just hating the way they are now. And if you stand farther away from the mirror, you'll probably see what everyone else is seeing.

  6. In the mirror, look at yourself and give yourself an honest compliment.  Smile.  It doesn't matter what you say, it doesn't even have to be about your body because just thinking it or saying it will make a difference.  And you know what, if so many people are telling you you're beautiful, maybe it's just because you are.  


  7. I know how you feel I'm 5'6 and about 98 pounds, and I'm constantly thinking about what I eat, and how I look.

    Everytime I eat I feel guilty , and I always wish I was thinner.

  8. i just look at the positive side and see curves and good eyes and a nice booty and forget about the negative.

  9. honestly, people always tell you to accept who you are and dont change, but i always want to be better, not crazy like throwing up to lose weight, but working out to keep my body at the best it can be, although it never is, i always strive to be better. If you think your beautiful, and your friends think you are, you are. I would suggest go running maybe 3 miles a week just for the satisfaction of getting that figure, but im sure your fine!

  10. wow... Well I had the same problem..for a long long time.  Especially when I was in High School.  I wouldn't eat and had lost so much weight.  Then, I gained alot of weight back on in College and really started to hate myself.  Everyone told me I wasn't that big, but I couldn't see what they saw.  It wasn't until that I reached a normal healthy weight that I saw fit that I started feeling comfortable.

    But honestly, at that weight with that height, you're probably not big at all.  If you really feel like its annoying you and affecting your self esteem and the way you interact with others, you might need professional help.  If you do your research, the way you are feeling is the way alot of patients with eating disorders feel about themselves too.  I say go and talk to a professional.  Good Luck too!

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