
How do you mack Shool fun?

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Shool is not fun so I dsided to mack it fun and im going to the 5th grade




  1. I have no idea what shool is,  

  2. well when you start really getting into girls going for girls and getting them is always fun and makes your whole day better and gives you something to look forward to, definately helps me through it

  3. Yeah, school might be easier with a dictionary.

    Unless, of course, you're Jewish and were trying to spell Shul and then you were very close with the spelling. Mazel tov.

    Either way, the way to make things more interesting is always to ask questions, dig deeper. What might seem boring at first could turn out to be really interesting.

    Make lots of friends. Friends even nearby make time seem to go faster. Also, if you do get bored, doing the "making faces while the teacher isn't looking" is a very entertaining game.

    Try not to procrastinate. If you get what you're supposed to get done first, then you can get to the more interesting stuff later.

    Play the "better than you" game. Pick someone in class who is a better student than you are and try to "out-learn" them. It makes schoolwork a game and things seem to pick up. It gets less boring.

  4. join alot of clubs. not like just hanging out with certain friends at certain classes, but like, get involved in sports, wen i was in 5th grade, i was in volley ball and basketball. i was going 2 do track, ut i was busy on those days. but the more groups u join, the more frineds u make, and the more fun u have =]

  5. Learn to spell.

    Then it will be more fun.

    mack = MAKE

    shool = SCHOOL.


  6. go to sleep in class. if your one of those kids who talk in your sleep i suggest you not do that.....

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