
How do you make 2 boy dogs to get along?

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I just got another boy dog. One ****-zu and one Labrador -crorker spaniel mixed! They don't fight horribly but they wrestle alot! Can you make them stop fighting?




  1. One is going to be the Alpha dog usually.  Neuter them both and they will get along better.

    Are they really fighting or just playing.  Usually dogs will play hard.  You will think they are too rough, but they are just playing.  Unless they really get at it or draw blood they should be o.k.

  2. Well playing is playing, and sometimes they need to put each other in their place, but you have to step in if it gets too rough.  I point to the one who started the fight, and use a command like "off", "stop", or "behave", when the dog settles down, I praise them.  I want them to learn what behaviors I do not allow, but praise the behaviors I want from them.

  3. Find out if they're actually fighting, or if they're playing. When my dog plays with her doggie friends, they play very roughly, and some people might think they're fighting, but they're just playing, and having loads of fun!

  4. i don't think that there is any other way than letting them slowly get used of each other...don't make them feel jealous of one another with yous behaviour!try to treat them equally!

  5. get them fixed if you don't plan on having any puppies from either one of them  that will calm them down everytime

  6. If they aren't actively trying to kill each other, then it is only a problem for your nerves.  The rolling and wrestling, and even some of the growling, is just play behavior.  Let them play in the back yard, under supervision till you're sure they won't get carried away with the possible injuries.  If the aggression gets out of control, you might try either neutering or training--consult a behaviorist or trainer for training methods. But, truthfully, such play behavior is common in dogs, especially males, and generally nothing much to worry about, once they've adjusted to being buds.

  7. I would get them a case of beer and two fishing poles.  

  8. You can't make them do anything.     So you have one Shih Tzu and lab cocker spaniel mix.

    did you have one for a while.    Did you introduce them on neutral territory.

    I will tell you you can't make them get along,  hopefully in time the will grow to be friends and maybe even love each other.     Its best when getting a second dog to bring your dog with you and see who he likes best instead of throwing two dogs together and hoping they get along.   After all there are people you probably don't enjoy being with, dogs are the same way.

    We learned that, luckily our pups grew to be the best of friends.   (male and female)    

    Are your males neutered that will help a lot

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