
How do you make a Libra girl jealous?

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Okay, so I have a crush on this girl who's a libra, and I really want her to like me. So, how do I make her like me? And would she be jealous if I went out with a girl and she noticed?

By the way: I'm a Libra also, if that helps.




  1. Forget what you heard ! I am a libra girl and I do get green with envy !! Soo all this info is first hand ! ... If she doesn't already like you in the slightest bit (which , if your as charming as libra males are supposed tobe, is unlikely) then flirting or going out with anyone else isn't helping. She won't get jealous . In fact shell think its soo cute ! But if she does like you, then it will definitely make her feel envious. However, I don't reccomend you do that. To attract a lovely libra lady easily, admire and compliment them. Treat her princess. Libras love to talk, they can talk about anything but are especially interested in themselves. Ask questions about them and talk about their interests, hobbies, anything regarding them. Even though Libras are diplomatic, they enjoy seeing things from other points of view. Engage in a light debate about an issue exploring both sides and the conversation will flow. I love having little arguments [ as twisted as that sounds ] it adds excitement and fun. Dress nice, keep the atmosphere posh and upscale and clean your house before they come over for the first time. First impressions are lasting for Libras. Have fun, be yourself, you are almost guaranteed a good time with the easygoing, interesting Libra. Make sure your not to shy. Make sure you flirt so they know you like them. Good luck and hope I helped =)

  2. Shes a Libra! from my understanding they dont get that jealous. If you go out with another girl she'll only see you as unavailable. Tell her that you like her and if she doesnt like you back then you two werent ment to be.

  3. XOXO = me is 100% Correct

    I am a Libra married to a Libra and he got me by charm, charm, charm!

  4. beeeeeee agressive!!!!!!!

  5. Don't pay any attention to her. You both are wishy washy until the other person gives in. She will eventually.

  6. two libras do not always make the best match--to indecisive.,,,but if you want to make her jealous, swat another chicks bum instead of hers ; D

  7. Honestly the fact that she is a libra doesn't make a difference.

    She has to be interested in you to get jealous in the first place otherwise she won't care.

    If you have a crush on a girl just talk to her.

  8. Im a libra girl

    just saying if i saw the guy i was into swat some other girls *** right in front of me, id assume  he didnt like me a nd he was just a player.

    I met this guy thinking it was nothing but,

    he was really smooth;

    Cute obvs.

    made a move to talk to me, said i was pretty but made em do everything else.

    So pretty much he let me know he was interested but he wouldnt make any suggestive moves.

    Like a week after our incounter i couldnt stop thinking about him.

    The one thing i dont like is he flirts with my frineds. which makes what we had; or could of had not so special.

    the main thing here is girls like to feel special.

    So dont harrass her but make her feel specail by saying your really pretty, i love your eyes, giving her smerks from across the room. and dont flirt with girls right in front of her. Show her you have pretty friends that are girls. And deffinatley dont flirt with h er friends much:p Always flirt with her more than her friends if you cant help yourself.

  9. Nasty, nasty.  Making people jealous is a low way to behave. As a Sagittarius, I go bananas when someone tries those  tricks on me.  She might see right through you. Dont be childish.

  10. just tell her how you feel. if you try to make her jealous she wont like you anymore if she had feelings secretly for you. trying to make her jealous wont work. tell her that you like her in private and see what she says. youve got nothing to lose.

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