
How do you make a Slam dunk?

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I am '5"6 and Im trying my hardest to dunk but I cant. Please give me the easiest tricks to succed!!!!!




  1. Go buy a trampoline.

  2. Jump alot you'll start jumping higher and then you can dunk. Or if you can do magic you could get taller

  3. Jump Rope

  4. email lebron james and ask him.

  5. Well because your a small black kid and youll never make it in the NBA so stop trying


    GROW YOU LIL *****

  6. The first thing you need to do is grow.

    But seriously, at 5'6" you'll have to have some serious liftoff.

    I was dunking in high school, but I was 6'3" at age 15.  It helps.

    Do like some others here have said.  Jump rope, work on you leg strength, but it doesn't guarantee anything.

    Keep trying though.  Good luck.

  7. jump higher...

    things like a two handed dunk are easy

  8. jump slam

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